Saturday, February 2, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Had I known the snow would've only lasted one day, I would've posted these pics a lot sooner...For the record, this was last Mon. a.m. We don't get to see it very often in the NoWest, so the boys were in a hurry to take advantage of its extraordinary packing capability & pristine tasting condition=natural snow cones?! They didn't even give me a chance to put on their heaviest & somewhat waterproof outer layer-never mind that I took my sweet time & it was around 11:30A, which only gave us a half hour before we had to get ready for preschool (that wasn't cancelled 'cuz his teacher is die-hard regardless of weather).

Dane's enthusiasm was dampened literally by the flakes that made their way onto his skin. Could've been the fact that he kept taking his gloves off 'cuz they were wet?! Hmmm...gotta love 3 y.o. logic?! We did convince him to make one snow angel before he decided he preferred the indoor climate-He got cold quickly & watched rest of snow-woman assembly from the bedroom:) Please disregard the electric icicles that have yet to be dismantled despite month beyond Christmas-ugh!

Meet Mother Nature! Don't worry if I underestimated the power necessary to hoist the upper body to its proper place:) Cole took that pic. of heaving action:) Be sure to notice the natural finishing touches as well:)


Uffens Family said...

Oh snow...Annie would not know what to do with it...and at this point..I would not be much help!
Love the longing look out the window :)

Alisa said...

I have inflicted much unexpected damage to myself while lifting middle sections!

The Bergesons said...

so cute! i was so excited to log on and see so many posts! its been too long since i checked last! cole told me he was disappointed that you wanted to make a snow woman vs. a snowman..haha..such a character! love you to the moon and back! britt