Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Hearts @ the Zoo

Perhaps it was an odd choice to venture to Pt. Defiance Zoo/Aquarium on Valentines' Day; however, t'was definitely unique to brave the elements in Feb. (although in WA's defense, we did catch some very definite glimpses of the sun & gorgeous Puget Sound) & show some love to the animals. In case you're inspired to do the same, don't go on a Thurs. in the off-season 'cuz lame schedule or lack thereof meant the boys didn't get to see any shows-oh well! The adventure began before we even paid admission as you can see-

Our first stop was oddly enough in the food court where some friends brought a picnic lunch (since they're earlier risers than we:) who had actually just consumed breakfast & practically had to set our alarm to get there by 11A-For the record, it took a while to cut out & bake the cookies that didn't get finished the previous night)! I didn't take into account that the boys would be a bit distracted by the other attractions @ the zoo & could've cared less about traditional & shall I say, girly holiday observance to which I adhered!! Don't get me wrong, they love to help in the kitchen @ home; Cole's egg-cracking skills put me to shame! They humored me, but were just anxious to move on to bigger & better things in the great outdoors...LtoR: Connor Hill, Coley, Daners, Max & Maggie Christensen, Beth & Tyler Hill-we already bid farewell to the Kanekoas who had to get Kole to p.m. kindergarten:)

On to the aquarium where all of the kids thought the sharks were the coolest! Dane was glad that glass separated him from the nurse variety who were bonding @ the bottom! Random for me to take a pic. that doesn't include my boys, but check out the brave "dentist" fish (named such by them & their buddies) cleaning off the shark's sweet tooth:)-must've already rec'd his box o' chocolates from his Valentine:) Better to have them in that position than us?!

It was here that Cole tried out his beginning photography skills...In fact, all of the kids ended up taking a turn! Thus you see a pretty clear shot of me & my good friend Kristie Marcotte; Cole & her son Seth are in preschool together. Cole also snapped several somewhat fuzzy pics. (his dad needs to teach him a lesson or two!) of the same tank! Gotta love digital style o' camera-

The tiger basking on his heated rock was more visible than on past visits, but not too interested in us despite our efforts to growl for his attention! Oops! Looks like I forgot to capture the elephants on film-sorry, not a proper documentary without featuring some of our favs!
I'd have to say the walruses stole the show with their affection appropriately enough on day o' romance :) It got to the point where we had to whisk the wide-eyed children away from such a passionate scene...nice to be water-resistant:) While encouraging the brotherly love, I had to correct Cole that "kissing on the lips" was reserved for his future wife & not to be done haphazardly just 'cuz he was in the mood on Valentines' Day-ugh!
After 4 hours & some sugar in their systems, the kids became a bit wild albeit one with nature! So Cole & Seth imitated the Oomingmaks (awesome name, eh?) a.k.a. Muskoxen in the background & Krista packed her kids up the hill (no pun intended!) What a woman...who needs super heroes when you've got "some mothers:)"

Somehow my boys & Seth salvaged enough energy to act like monkeys themselves & enjoy the otter slide despite construction in the Kids' Zone. Oh, & we almost left without acknowledging that one can't go to a zoo without petting a goat too! Thanks Kristie for being kinder than this mom to let my boys feed 'em as well as donate to the well-being of the whales:)


Alisa said...

We love that zoo- especially in the summer. I went to the zoo here in December, it was pretty desolate of people and kind of cold (although a nicer day for Decemeber which is why we went) no shows then either.
Your boys are cute.
And I use to enjoy late mornings as well, 2 out of 3 kids in school has been kind of a rude awakening.

I also use to get A LOT done at night, like after the kids went to bed I would clean all the carpet in the house with a rented carpet cleaner. Now days I am just too tired at the end of the day!

Uffens Family said...

What a fun day...wish we had a zoo that fun around here! I love the pic of you and the boys in the shark look so great Beck! What a cute mom you are!