Thursday, February 21, 2008

Oh Mr. Moon...moon...bright & shiny moon...Won't ya please shine down on me?!

Cole's preschool teacher informed us all of tonight's lunar eclipse, which was nice 'cuz I'm not the most up-to-date on current events. Chris & I awakened bright & early with a few of our neighbors to view the one last Aug., but this was a much easier hour to give the boys a science lesson. I'm not an astronomer, but ya gotta appreciate the wonder of the universe during a rare moment like this:) Apparently we won't have the pleasure of observing another until 2010. Hope you got to see for yourself, but if not, you can check out view from our driveway...


Uffens Family said...

What time was that at?? You are seriously super mom...Mike was wondering what time it was at and I am so concerned with sleep...I didn't encourage going outside and watching :) I will need to work on that so when Annie is older I don't make her miss out!

Mandy said...

Hi Parkers! Good to come across you guys on Molly's blog. You're boys are adorable. And cute, girly blog. With all these boys around we have to work hard to keep some things feminine. Where did you get or how did you make your blog template? We need to make it up north to keep in touch with more friends more often. You can check us out at
Take care and I'll be peeking from time to time!
Mandy Dickson