So, I guess my continuing mantra will be "A mother of boys works from son up to son down" 'cuz that trend will be maintained @ the Parker household! No need for us to watch reruns on Nick @ Nite to see My 3 Sons in full effect:) It's actually Chris' fault, but I think he's actually quite proud of his masculinity! Actually you can see that he made a valiant effort to add a last-minute vote for another female by wearing pink-notice I stayed neutral with yellow:) Nope, not a shocker to be having another boy seeing as how I pretty much thought all along-this a.m.'s ultrasound just confirmed what I already knew to be true! I'm a firm believer in the old wives' tale re: heartrate (lower=male) & though his actually sped up to a whopping 145bpm, it wasn't a big surprise. Too bad I've tried so hard to crave sweet instead of salty (another old wives' tale in favor of females:)) that I gained a little more than I would've liked this month too-oops!:)
Trouble is, as I mentioned, that we can't agree on his name & my other boys were named by the ultrasound @ the I think that might be why we're still having a bit of an identity crisis for the lil' guy! Wish us luck on that part 'cuz my OCD will really take over now-Otherwise, he's
healthy & that's most important of course! Just left with kind of a different feeling without the novelty! If he's lucky, he might get a new outfit in which to come home from the hospital:) Oh wait! I almost forgot that I already invested in 4 sets of gear for TMNT that the boys plan to use on Halloween-The littlest brother might only be a couple weeks old, but he's all set to be Donatello (Chris will get in on the action too:) They've told me I can be April or Shredder?!) I'm sure you can tell in my tone that while grateful, I'm overwhelmed @ the prospect of raising yet another boy when my 2 are TMTH lately! For the record, in the past week I'd heard the statistic that your likelihood to have a third of a gender increase if you already have 2 in a row?! So be prepared those of you who are considering the odds! Guess there's no defying the Chinese lunar calendar for us:) He looks a bit cramped per Baby Center, eh?

We're in good company re: those who are currently raising 3+ boys...I guess starting with Chris' own family (though not all in a row), his brother Mike, cousin Rick Parker & my bro-in-laws' parents, brother & sister (Uffens, Dan Uffens, Andrea Farrell & Bergesons); friends from high school (Dicksons, Mike Colemans, Jake Craguns, Alisa Parker-->Lee, Mikaela Hochstrasser-->Griggs & Becky Sue Marsh-->McCubbins); friends from college (Stevensons & Pabsts) & friends since then (Haines & Bakers) not to mention the famous one like Osmonds, Huards from Puyallup & the Chipmunks:) that we all know & respect-It's raining men-hallelujah! My OB-GYN said he wasn't going to give me any sympathy 'cuz he had 4 boys before his only girl & 5 total:) A family in my sister's ward in Las Vegas has 7, count 'em, boys!! whoa! So I will survive...Serves me right for coming from a family of all girls. While we remember Ben with love, he would've definitely been outnumbered by hormones:)
If you'll excuse me now, I have to attempt pitching a ball to my oldest son after reprimanding my middle son who broke my new set of salad tongs that he used instead for weapons & flushing/putting lid down on the toilet that one of 'em left yet again...Ah the joy of being the only female around here...never a dull moment! Let the games begin!
p.s. hopefully you won't take title personally:) we still welcome all grandmas, aunts, female cousins & friends of course!! you can also rest assured that I'll spare you the picture Chris insisted on taking of the jelly smile prior to my actual ultrasound...Gotta love SueAnn (ultrasonagrapher)-
You are an amazing "boy" mom...I realized today that if by chance I find out that we are having a boy next Thursday that he will be in big trouble...example...Annie wanted to play with a LADY BUG outside the other I tried to pick it up for her...only problem was everytime I felt it on my hands I freaked and dropped it...a LADYBUG! wow- I am pathetic! I am so excited for you...I would help you think of a name but I am not sure if I know all the name rules?? hmmm...we have lots of time this summer :)
How are you even pregnant with a flat stomach like that?? I'm not pregnant and mine is not EVEN that flat!! WOW!! Congrats on another boy! I have a feeling that we could be an all boy family, too :) It is convenient not to have to do a lot in preparation though :)
congratulations, beck. that's really exciting. at least you know you and chris make cute boys, right!? and i had forgotten you loved the name reese/'s on my list too.
ryan's aunt and uncle have 7 boys, no girls...i love 'em all to death. and now the oldest is getting married, so they'll get the girls eventually, right!? ;)
Congratulations! I too can see that happening for us because my siblings have all started with 2 boys. Well good luck with the rest of the pregnancy and I think you look fabulous!
Congrats beck! you already heard my congrats but I couldn't not leave a comment after reading the blog:) I am so excited for my 3rd favorite nephew--you make dang cute boys and I cant wait to meet him. I am looking forward to our bonding time next week! britty
p.s. remind me to tell you my Saturday's Warrior story
for real with the non-prego looking tummy--guarantee I weigh more than my prego sister-ugh! haha
Congratulations on another boy! I ADORE my boys and wouldn't have it any other way... And you know, if you really want a girl, you could always go for four! (I'm just kidding, don't do it really, it's a nightmare... I should have stopped at three... okay NOW I'm kidding... or am I??)
Congrats on the news!! I don't know how I got a girl the first time because its been 3 in a row boys since then (counting the one who is in heaven.) Ashlin cried when she found out Sam was a boy. I thought he was going to be a girl too, but I adjusted to the news quickly.
It IS kind of ironic to think you came from an all girl household! Anyway I know LOTS of all boy moms and they are great-- kind of like the TV show Home improvement.
Good news you'll save lots of money on weddings. Still we don't know what #4 will bring-- maybe your one girl... There has to be a #4 now right?
Oh and weird how I always thought of myself as a girl mom, until one day I saw my son bring a snake IN my house and I didn't even freak. There's also the fact that we can't be outside without looking at and inspecting every bug. Oh and gas and poop are a frequent topic. I finally realized the reality of it, that princess stuff, dolls and makeup are definitely overshadowed in this household.
ps how can they tell what the baby is when you can't even tell there is a baby in there! You have no stomach still and on #3 that is not right or fair!
I already told you... but I'm excited for you that you're keeping the streak alive and having another boy! I think it's awesome. I actually always wanted boys and I'm so thankful I at least got one... so far. Congratulations!
Congratulations Beckie (and Chris)!! 3 boys -wow!! Thanks for stopping by the ol' blog. "Hi" to Chris for me!
Hi Rebecca, it's Jenna, the girl who went to Poland! It's crazy that you served your mission in Poland, I am sure every single person who gets their mission call there has to go look on the map to see exactly where it is :) I would love to chat about Poland, and practice some Poland if you would like. Send me an email
I can't picture you guys with out one more boy first. Guess it's meant to be. I want a boy so bad! I know all these girls talk about wanting girls...I want boys
You got a new car!!!! I felt so bad when you showed up at the party but, now I can feel happy for you and know that I had a small part to play in that happening. (no party, might not have been on that road right new acura) Congratulations on both ends
Congrats on another boy heading your way (this coming from someone who had 4 brothers in a row after she was born). Although I did hear the statistic that if you have 3 of one gender the chances are good that you will get the opposite for the 4th. Boys are fun though. I hope to at least have one boy since that's what I really know and understand after growing up in my house!
Hi, it's Alisa's sister Erin. I saw you're having another boy. I have 2 boys myself and had hopes that maybe I'd get a girl someday, but the stats aren't looking good. Although I had hopes since Dickson's (my aunt) had 2 boys followed by 3 girls. Oh well we'll see. A family in my ward have 4 boys followed by 2 girls. Good luck and congrats. It's hard thinking of boy names--especially when that's all you've had! I always have girl names but the boy names are harder.
COngrats! You will have wonderful daughter-in-laws to help you with the estrogen in your later years! LOL! Now for the name......
Yea! I've been waiting for that rainbow colored baby calendar to go to a nice solid color...boys, wow! I'm pretty confident we're an all boy household until one of them grows up and gets married. :) I am very impressed by your dedication to exercise~ you should have no problem keeping up with the guys since you're so fit! Congrats.
Okay, Beck. I've been thinking of boy names for you:
Ty (It really is cute!)
Sid (that would be hilarious)
Mace (this was a crush I had in 4th grade!)
Jeff or Geoff
Scott (thought I'd slip this one in)
Okay, you might not like any of these, and that's fine. Just trying to think of any one-syllable names that we haven't talked about!
I don't know if you'll even get this comment since Im so far down on the list but I'll try anyway!
Hi Beckie!! This is Rebecca (Genther)and I couldn't be happier to see you!!
If you want to come find me some day, Im at
and I'd LOVE to hear from you! Your husband has some big guns- I'll have to show my Ryan, maybe it'll inspire him to work out some more! I can't wait to show Kirsten your sites, she'll be so happy to at least see what you're all up to! Lots of kisses to your little tiny new baby boy and lots of happy calm vibes being sent your way. Girls are cool too...I seem to only have them..and they are just as emotionally taxing as I hear boys are physically so -whatever. Oh! Christopher should be back from his mission now-like yesterday or something and Marie is in Utah with an adorable baby boy and Celeste is in..a state near Georgia with an cutey little girl. Chris and her husband live in Georgia but are moving to Missouri to completely renovate an old mansion and Paul is married to Ryan's old mission friend and living as happy as can be in Australia! Write to me!! THis is officially not a comment any more- its an email! Sorry!
by the way, as if I hadn't said enough already- I can't get into Mikaela's blog to tell her to look me or Kirsten up so please tell her for me!
Kirsten is at :
well congratulations! all the same gender is easier anyway! good luck with the name--we always wait until the day we check out. and it still works. ha!
Ah, you are joining the club. We ran out of names as well. We didn't have one for Anderson until a day after he was born. Good luck with that one!
Becky, YES that is Rob Schwartz who married Amy Whisenet!! Seriously SO cool! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this family. I was roommates with Rob's sister, Brooke who has been my best friend ever since. And yes, PJ and Rob look SO much alike and couldn't be more different :) Rob and his family are living in England where he works for a big international law firm. Small world!
unfortunately my sister's middle name has given us a pretty good laugh since the movie A League of Their Own came out. Marla is my sister's middle name and she has never liked it. Good luck...names are so hard to come up with. Congratulations! Wendi told me you are which I responded, "What? She was so tiny at the shower.
congrats Beckie! I found you through several other blogs of friends and just wanted to stop and say hi! Cute, cute family! drop in and say hi sometime and by the way, you are looking fabulous for being preg! good job!
So much to catch up on here... Sorry I never respond when you ask questions on my blog... not really sure how that works, if people even check back? and i don't want to be futile by responding to no one. Maybe I will do that here...
But first!!!! SO...Another BOY! I think it's fun to have all the same, people give you a lot of looks and comments "SO 3 ... (in your case) BOYS! WOW, gonna try for that girl!" which can get old but hey, I like attention any way I can get it. You already know what your doing and have some stuff that will work for the 3rd etc.etc. So that is good news! And you can always try-try again if you really want that girl! (do you still have a stash of girl clothes?! I know you were saving some things a LONG time ago! It is fun to buy dresses, it's hard to resist!) So I say what's one more, 4 is a nice even #. But dont worry about that now, 3 is great you will love it.
Tell Chris we didn't see the CURE (boo-hoo) we decided after much debate and to Pete's dismay, not to attend the SUNDAY concert (siting religous reasons) which was the day Cure headlined. Not sure what band your friend at the Dr office was talking about as there were 20 lesser known bands and 4 headliners each day over 3 days. Marion saw them and said it was "pretty amazing ...since they are well, old and stuff...and can still rock" on a side note I am regretting (a little) my righteous choice to abstain. And now Chris doesn't need to eat his heart out any more!
Hey Beckie,
Thanks for posting on my blog. I'm so new at all of this I didn't know how to reply, so I thought it would make sense to respond to your blog. Congrats on another boy!! Are you still collecting little girl outfits? That is the first thing I thought of. I have to admit that I kind of wanted another boy, but we are getting used to the idea of another girl. The name is the hardest part. I had a boy name all picked out. As for a girl, nothing seems just right. I keep coming back to Laura. I am due on the 30th, but may get induced on the 27th - we'll see. We are still trying to finish last minute projects. Hope you have been feeling okay. Talk to you later,
Hey Beckie,
Thankss for posting on my blog. I am new to this and didn't know how to respond, so I thought it made sense to reply to your blog. Congrats on another baby boy! The first thing I thought of was those baby girl outfits hanging in Dane's closet - I guess they'll have to wait a little longer. I have to admit that I wanted another boy, but we are getting used to the idea of another girl. The hardest part is the name. I am due on the 30th, but I might get induced on the 27th. Hope you are feeling well. Talk to you later,
Parker family - had to add our two cents and say congrats on another boy! We can much fun! Good for you guys. You look great Beckie and your boys are too cute, of course you need another! Good luck for the rest of the pregnancy and have a fun summer
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