So, Chris had to work all a.m. (no thanks to my indecision with previous car offers) & the winning car deal took most of this afternoon...Thus our festivities for Memorial Day were somewhat limited! I felt badly for my boys who did their best to behave until it was a done deal, so I took advantage of my new ride & drove over 520 bridge to play for a bit @ Green Lake in Seattle (a favorite park from my childhood days when my dad went to UofW) . I even let 'em enjoy an ice cream appetizer @ B&R across the street. Don't worry! I didn't let 'em drip onto our new car:) though they brought plenty of sand with 'em from their attempt @ sand angels on the playground?!
Chris had bought some fab filet mignons over the weekend, which he takes great pride in flavoring & BBQing. More stops @ gas station & grocery store meant we rolled into Puyallup for dinner around oh, 9P! Yes, Dane had already crashed for the night & missed out; however, Cole wasn't about to skip Dad's gourmet steak:) How romantic for us, eh? Don't worry if my 5 y.o. finally climbed into bed @ 10:30P asking why we didn't do anything fun today?! Meanwhile my husband is headed back to work until wee hours of tomorrow so we can pay for the new additions to our family! Let's be honest, he was inclined to stick around & figure out all of the Acura's fancy options on its first night in our garage:)
If any of you have BlueTooth or HomeLink features in your car, please let us know the secret initiation 'cuz it's a bit trickier than we thought-We were never successful with the latter in the Audi, so maybe it's a pre-owned car deal?!
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
Happy Memorial Day...sad Chris had to work...but glad he was able to take his rightful place at the bbq for the holiday :) I needed his help making my ribs! Looked delicious and I don't even like steak :)
Congrats on the new car! It is really cute! You should have called me first though, and as the owner of a big old Yukon Suburban that costs over $100 to fill-up, I would have told you to go for a Prius instead! I sure wish I would have when I had the chance!
Looks like you have a nice new ride! How fun. My friend's blog about Poland is I think you'll like it, especialy the part when she describes going to church. And, she is an amazing photographer, so you'll be in for a treat. She got back, and word around is that her mother (who went with her to check out the Polish family) isn't as scared sick for her to live there. Hope you're doing great!
Beckie, what a fun car!!! I'm excited to see it. Does it feel big to drive around? I have really come to love sitting a little higher in the car. It ALMOST makes up for filling up the gas tank.
I'm glad you and Chris got your steaks! No pressure, but tell Chris that I'll buy the steaks if he'll cook them for Dave! I don't know if he's in to sharing secrets of the grill, but I'm all ears.
Miss seeing you everyday! Where have we all gone to?
Is you turning the pregnancy progress chart supposed to be how you announce the newest little Parker boy??
Woohoo! Great new car! Gotta love that! We have bluetooth and its awesome, so swing over sometime and Shawn can show you how to work it, its such a great feature you dont' want it to go to waste! LOL! Devon was sick Sat, so no game for us, but hopefully back at it next week!
So it is you guys! Hey do you remember us? The crazy Hanks family from the Lakewood ward? We ran into you guys one summer at the park and you guys were mountain biking? We never did do that. darn. It looks like your cute family is growing! I found your blog from the Strombergs, which I found from the Smith's who found mine from????? You know it is fun to see who you can find with these things! Keep in touch and give us a shout out if you are ever in Utah. (Yes I know we moved here for work.)
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