Cole would've preferred the name White Lightning (their team color/t-shirts are white:)), but has reluctantly gone along with the decision to be called the White Tigers for this year's coach-pitch (he gets mad if you call it t-ball:) season @ YMCA! He has a buddy from last year & a neighbor on his team; sometime they make him more self-conscious but we like having familiar faces @ practice & on baselines! Here are some pictures of him in action @ his first game...
Not sure I quite understand the need for all new equipment after apparently already outgrowing last year's, but Chris has insisted that I leave that to him & the saving grace is that Dane can use it too-guess that's part of raising boys that I will have to accept! Sad part is seeing little brother up & dressed in cleats that are 2 sizes too big & now Cole's hand-me-down pants + his Richie Sexson Mariner raglan shirt or "jersey" for practice on Thurs. p.m. & games on Sat. way before our all-star! Dane still thinks he can practice & even play right alongside him like last year-poor guy! He has to wait until he's 4 to be on a team of his own! He's convinced that someday...maybe when he's 5...he'll be older than Cole:)
We are learning that having your dad as coach did have its perks last year. I think it's harder than Chris would admit to watch another guy coach his son-he's made a few comments during drills but didn't want to commit to official job though is willing to "help out":) Speaking of which, other parents have complimented him & Cole for all of their personal training even on his batting stance...he looks pretty solid for a 5 y.o. if we do say so ourselves & nice to have a dad who knows what he's talking about! Plus my boys are blessed to have a dad that would do anything for them & loves spending that time with 'em-anything to encourage his same love for sports & confidence:)
I'm rarely invited to these father-son bonding moments, but might be able to help my lil' leftie (Daner) more next year:) Doesn't have to be full-fledged summer for my boys to want to set up the bases in the cul-de-sac & practice every night until 9p with dad:) Hopefully that'll pay off with a scholarship down the road-after their missions of course!!
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
Cole looks so studly in these pics. I cant wait to come to a game in June! Thanks for posting! Poor Daner Bug will have his turn soon enough:) love you to the moon and back! Britty
Cole looks like a little man in his uniform and "ready position"...Hopefully I can catch a game when we get up there! He and Mike can bond since Mike just joined a summer softball league :) I guess I have my own little boy :) ha!
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