Guess we're spreading the wealth to our children with this tagging business...Just in case I haven't wowed you enough in the past with the antics of my first-born son, here are 5 more things to love about Cole Garyt Parker @ 5 1/2 yrs. old:1) Cole has taken after his dad in quoting movie lines & can do so with great skill after only hearing once or twice & even adapting them to fit the given situation. He amazes me 'cuz he always seem to use them in perfect context?! Once Dane asked him to do something for him in the car & he said "What do you think I am? A mail-order brother?!" He attributed that to none other than George of the Jungle (adding that only then the guy referred to himself as a mail-order minister?!)
2) Cole leads the pack @ preschool (according to other moms & his teacher of course:)). He started the trend of girlfriends last year & pretty much paired the others up. Not hard to do with girl-boy ration of 2:1. They rotated a bit, then he decided this year that they could all just be friends regardless of gender OR he lets the girls do their own thing & prefers the company of boys (depending on the week). The others promptly followed suit with his directive:) & his influence has affected all @ TenderHearts, which, I might add, is appropriately named in this regard!
3) Cole's absolute favorite thing to drink=Chocolate milk! We can thank Grandma Neecy for introducing him to that as she is also a fan! From time to time, he'll ask for a swig of his dad's infamous Dr. Pepper or his own root beer (shame on me for being the mom of boys who are no stranger to soft drinks!); however, we've restricted him to one cup (still in a tippy cup:) 'cuz I'm lazy) first thing in the a.m. & that's it! Here he's indulging in a rootbeer float! I should probably add that he's very familiar with bribery in public settings:)4) Cole loves to know his schedule in advance & then holds me to it...maybe typical for his age?! He wants to know what weekday it is & even then, needs to know if that means a preschool day OR YMCA lessons. That determination will follow with questions as to whether or not he has show & tell, if he needs to feed his fish, if someone is coming over or he gets to play @ another buddy's house, if we are going to stay home beforehand or go home right afterward-heaven forbid I have errands & then he needs to know exactly how many errands he has to endure! The list goes on & on, but you get the idea!
5) Cole is already a jack of many trades, but gets frustrated when he doesn't master them right away. His signs of maturity range from becoming training-wheel free on his bike (see post entitled Tour de Forest Creek), learning how to transform most of his 16 Transformers by himself & realizing the wide world of Lego creations beyond the directions in addition to Lego Star Wars on the X-box with his dad. He also looks forward to coach-pitch as well as kindergarten this year (he's had to be extra patient for the latter due to his Aug. b-day). He's constantly looking forward to things & if it's not the "day after tomorrow", he complains that he absolutely can't wait 'cuz "that's such a long time away"!
Cole would love to hear more about Devon McCray, Connor Hill, Britain Griggs, Kyle & Jordan Coleman (like how to tell 'em apart!?!) - so tag, you're it (or your moms on your behalf!) You can include however many charming qualities or favorites you fancy in your sons, but I stuck to number that corresponds to his age to make it easier! Gotta love my OCD! (unfortunately, I think he inherited that too @ least according to his dad:))
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
1 comment:
i love the cole updates! He is such a character.I was so excited to see so many new blogs. My classes were so much more entertaining with those to read in the back row! love you britt
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