Monday, March 10, 2008

What's in your 3 y.o.'s pocket?

So I've been noticing posts that list contents of friends' purses a.k.a. Bag Tag & I thought it'd be appropriate to show this instead...not that I'm feeling left out, just 'cuz it's along the same lines:) Dane likes to "sneat dust a wibble bit" in his pockets when we venture out of the house if I'm interrupting his playtime. I had to laugh when he managed to fit this entire army into his jeans the other night:) I seriously had no clue until we got home & he started to empty 'em out! Who needs a purse??:)


Uffens Family said...

He might need to get some bigger pockets...that cannot be comfortable!

Kara said...

Boys! Mine are always putting things in their pockets too. I am always finding things in the washing machine. Gum, chapstick, toys, screws, nail, all kinds. Too funny!

Alisa said...

OK that is REALLY cute!
As for the shopping cart thing (I know its a different entry) I do that kind of stuff to when I have to. I have had some really nice shopping experience all while Sam napped in the cart with his special blankey.
Man you go girl- you had quite the blogfest! I'll try to to follow suit.

Laura Call said...

LOVE this pic of Dane! This definitely must be a boy thing because Ethan loves to hoard things in his pockets too.

The Bergesons said...

so cute! I miss my Daner bug..maybe we should get him a fanny pack like dad?! you!

Kjrsten said...

Those are some VE-RY deep pockets... "GO JOE!" (as in GI joe!)