Gotta love Easter outfits:) This shot o' the fam was taken promptly after Church or else all of the boys would've already changed into "old clothes" as Cole calls anything but what we wear to Church:) Chris is rocking a new 3-piece suit complete with pocket square-doesn't he look handsome? We recycled Cole's sweater vest from last year 'cuz I couldn't make him wear it in HI, but Chris would be proud that Dane is wearing a new shirt of his very own vs. hand-me-down!
As I mentioned in previous post, we downplayed the Easter Bunny this year; however, the day was still memorable & I think the boys really understood the balance of sweet treats & real reason we celebrate Easter!! He (are we sure it's a male?:)) did put new Easter books for Church in their baskets in addition to candy-filled eggs...Don't worry! We know some good dentists:)

All of a sudden our car resembled a bunny (with help of Shaws) while we were @ Church:) complete with a loaded Easter basket on top! Too bad the weather wasn't very cooperative for them either, but we enjoyed the scene while it lasted! The Easter bunny is treating us to our first M's game o' the '08 season on April Fools' Day too-whoo hoo! Let's hope an early victory is not a practical joke:)
Not sure you'd call Rock Band the most traditional form of worship either, but we bonded as a fam while playing that for the first time & other games together to conclude an eggstra special Easter '08! Hey, I can honestly say I have a whole new reverence for musicians on this Sabbath day:)-especially after sharing drumsticks with a 3 y.o. (but I wish that was my legit excuse for the other times I failed miserably)! I was nervous to even attempt the guitar OR vocals for that matter. I'd have to say my fav was our reinactment of SNL's cowbell routine, but I only captured the boys in action! For the record, Cole took that last pic. himself:)
i forgot to give you my email...
fun easter pics! You embraced the holiday much more than I! Thanks so much for the cute have given us the extent of any holiday/seasonal decorations I think:)I ran to the grocery store at 11:00 sat night and got some stuff for lance's easter bowl (no need to purchase a basket:) I promise to be more festive with kids! love you ! miss you! how did the 6 miler go?
I got a feva, and the only prescription is more cowbell!!
What a good looking family you are! That's a great family picture. And the car decorated as a bunny... too cute!! How fun for your boys, I bet they were thrilled. Glad you guys had a nice Easter. Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun rockin' out too, that's awesome! You guys are such a cute family.
SO great! Gotta love the car pics! That is so creative, your boys are handsome as ever!
Wow what a jam-packed, fun-filled candy-basket-filled of fun Easter! Love the family picture!
Your boys are too cute, Becky!! My boys have the same green and white stripped shirts and matching vests...I love them :) I'm glad it is spring so they can start wearing them again :)
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