Monday, April 7, 2008

Smile! It make people wonder what you've been up to:)

Sad commentary on our Spring Break (no offense Dr. Shaw!) was that one of the highlights was Dane's first trip to the dentist...Traci was Super Asst. as usual & Dane sat very still with the promise of a prize afterward (as if he doesn't get one every time he sets foot in BDA?!) After all, it wasn't very scary to have grandpa count your teeth!

They had an opening that morning when I called for our biannual visit & we filled it (pun intended!) as we also experienced Cole's first cavity:( But he was a trooper & I appreciate my dad's time, expertise & efficiency! I only heard one shriek as I was across the room in another operatory for my own cleaning. The "sleepy juice" was magical & he survived...As you can see, he's still smiling! However everyone in the office got play-by-play since he had headphones on & was nervous, a combination which made him unusually loud!


Uffens Family said...

They look like perfect angels in that op. chairs! Hope Annie does that well someday...helps that dad is the best dentist ever!

The Bergesons said...

so cute! Much easier with such an awesome grandpa as the dentist. I love Daner's face in the second one. They are so brave compared to the majority of kids I assisted Dad with!