Couldn't let April end without shoutout to our beloved Dawgs of Montlake & sneak peek we rec'd of '08 season by making our annual trek to the spring football game! Last Sat. dawned early for Parkers-Frankly, it's regarded closely to the Sabbath @ our house & t'is an all-day affair! Chris was showered & ready by 7A like a little kid @ Christmas...As you can see, he was in heaven!

Somehow we still cut it close to start time of skills clinic preceding kickoff of purple vs. gold. No worries 'cuz the boys were preregistered so got their lunch coupons, t-shirts & were on their way down to Husky Stadium! Notice their personalized hats that Dad found for 'em online:)

Cole & Dane had the chance to knock down some tackling dummies...

kick & punt a football...

throw a football in the presence of the almighty Jake

try out some of the agility drills...(I know they're doing the same thing, but if you look closely you can observe Cole's awesome heighth & Dane's incorporation of the Jordan tongue focus:)

model pads (last ones allowed after waiting over half hour 'cuz had to clear the field)...pretty sure Dane missed the chin part of this pad!:)

& last but not least, bounce in the football helmet while mom stood in line for their hot dogs, chips & lemonade!

So it was a close game, but the Huskies won:) & Chris got chance to check out new guys that he's been admiring from afar on dawgman.com as well as progress by old ones! Dane & I took numerous trips to the restroom, alternating our enter/exit row for sake of other irritated fans-ugh! Cole, in the meantime, had his eye on a few other players:)...We erased most of his creative shots featuring blurry spectators around us & other stationary objects, but saved a couple for your viewing pleasure! Ok, I'll admit I took the last one! They also earned a bag of cookies for dancing with the band toward the end!

We all got a glimpse of the sun; however, we weren't bright enough to prepare with sunblock so took a nice sunburn home with us:) Don't fret, it's already faded with return of rain! Gotta love spring in WA!

Tried a delicious pizzeria across from UVillage before heading south-I was inspired to run 11 mi. (or
not, but had to keep on schedule?!) & Chris exercised @ YMCA while boys relaxed in front o' movie! Lookin' forward to Aug. 30, but first home game is on Sept. 6 when we will be a house divided...Go BYU Cougs!

Looks like a fun day...and hopefully the dawgs have a good team this year to watch! I love how happy ALL the boys seemed...and especially loved Daner's hat! :)
fun--glad you could all go up this year! thanks for the post--i was in dire need of a post update:) I love to see pics of my favorite nephews! love you--call you later! britty
that looks/is better than Disneyland for those boys! How fun. Look at all that sunshine...no way how lucky!
nice to see that you haven't gone away from the truth- Go Cougs! It will be BYU's first statement win on their way to an undefeated season and a BCS bid
becca! cute pictures. im home from sixth grade camp and wanna see the boys immediately! and you :) love you -brooke
How fun! It's so fun to see your boys so happy and excited about sports! By boys LOVE all that too. Boys are so much fun!
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