Monday, March 10, 2008

Homeless in Puyallup:)

Just wanted to echo all of the other sickies who lamented about the flu or cold bug that rocked their households in the past couple of weeks. Here is a classic shot of the boys asleep in a grocery cart so I could pick up some more cough medicine & acetaminophen-sp? They fell asleep in the car after the YMCA 'cuz I can't seem to stay home long enough for them to recover...Plus if any of you have the cough that we've endured, you know it sticks around & the show must go on! But I had to stop @ the grocery store while we were out, so I decided to make 'em comfy:) & couldn't resist grabbing the camera knowing we'd get a few strange looks in the aisles as well. Ah, the joys & glamour of motherhood!


Uffens Family said...

That is some smart thinking on your part Beck...Hate having sick kids (or kid in my case)...I swear Annie has not been healthy for about 3 it is the snot and the cough...LOVELY!

Luisa said...

That is the saddest and yet cutest picture! I bet you did get some funny looks...but a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do, right?!