...your mom started a temp job & hadn't made it to grocery store beforehand, so you were forced to go to Pizza Hut for FREE personal pan pizzas being a Mon. night! T'was a bit chaotic since we sat adjacent to soccer banquet-So it took forever for waitress to see us let alone replenish the salad bar albeit only paid portion of meal (whoppin' $2.09 for me & Luke plus another trip incl peaches/choc pudding for Cole & Dane:) I know I already mentioned during post re: summer freebies, but every time seems too good to be true:) Who cares if it takes a while for your order to be taken not to mention baked when then they run outta personal pan-sz...All murmuring & growling tummies for naught 'cuz you end up with 2 med-sz pizzas still complimentary-->leftovers on top o' deal!! in addition to leftover cake from coach of soccer team:) We shared with frazzled employees...Never mind that the older boys were more into Phineas & Ferb on overhead TV & wondered why muted-ugh! Tried to ignore fact that Luke had plenty of screams to go around-who needs a girl in this Parker family when he more than compensates despite newfound knowledge of signs for "Please" & "Thank You"?! And so what if Dane crawled under the table few too many times & insisted on using his quarter courtesy of Grandma on candy machine (heaven forbid we save any $ in this house?!) As we were waiting though & fwiw, point of this post is to capture boys' answers to handy menu designed to stimulate quality fam conversation perfect for FHE...Since I don't do a very good job keeping up with the sidebar of their funny quotes & like to read 'em on other blogs, you get to read my lame attempt @ capturing the moment:
?=What if you had a giraffe & wanted to put him in refrigerator?!
C=I would tell him that he was going to have to roll himself into ball 'cuz he was so tall & push him into it!
D=I would cut a hole in the top & very gently (with respective scooping motions) slide his neck out:)
?=What if you had a wild animal as a pet?! What would you choose & why?
C=I would pick an elephant 'cuz then it would clean up after me by picking up things with its trunk:)
D=I would pick a lion 'cuz they are scary & some boys who are mean to girls would stay away!
?=What if you had a million dollars (If I had a million dollars...thanks Bare Naked Ladies for the tune now in my head:), how would you spend it?
C=I would buy most gigantic pizza! (Can ya tell he was famished?? No worries if he had pizza for lunch too:)
D=I would buy a hundred and a million (currently his fav & freq used #:) Bakugans (also fav o' week).
?=What if you were President for a day?
C=I would throw away all the money (oh wait...hasn't that been done?:/ & say that everything was for free!
D= I would give a free toy to all the kids in the country! (Can ya tell he's countin' down 'til Christmas & mixing up Obama with Santa?! Hmmm...)
For further evidence that the Parker boys aren't starving, next day we visited Cole's school again to help with set-up for Annual Thanksgiving Feast. The kids are encouraged to buy hot lunch that day & then moms supplement with veggies, rolls & desserts!
Cole in line with the ladies first...notice he isn't the only toothless wonder in first grade:) So is adorable Liv!! Payton is a cutie too!Then he sat with male buddies of course (Matthew, William & Evan)!
Luke was sequestered to the backpack so he wasn't crashing & burning all over the dining area. Dane felt pretty cool to be incl once again & even left with his own turkey hat:)
Also need to recog b-day girls in the fam, beloved sis (+in-law) & Aunts Britt & Staci (right on Thanksgiving this year)!!
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
Love the Q&A with the boys! They are such thinkers:) Looks like quite the fun feast!
Becky! I can't believe I finally found you. Are you not on facebook? I've stuck you in there a million times. Incidentally you look gorgeous and you have not aged a day. Can't say the same here. I was just looking at a post last year from my blog and found a note from Heather Nickel about getting in touch with you that I had never seen. My blog is ridiculous. I forgot I even had one. My facebook is a little better. Your blog is wonderful! Your boys are so so cute. Save one for my little girl. :) I have two boys and a girl. So you know the Dents? We got to visit with them this summer in UT while we were both on vacation. Greg and Kimball served in the same mission. send me your email so I can add you to my blog readers. I would just unpassword protect it but I don't know how. Maybe you remember that I'm a technology LOSER? My email is christiansons@gmail.com I'd love to catch up! :)
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