T'was Luke's first trip to zoo! He liked it @ beg. chillin' with cousin Paige courtesy of Uffens' double stroller-& Cole took great pic of happy ending...
However in between aforeseen pics, he sure made it memorable by doing a nosedive outta a snail shell in the kids' zone while mom held camera instead of him-oops!
He also spewed x3 throughout our visit:( Poor guy has been super congested & prob combo o' that & fact that I insisted on squeezing him into Baby Bjorn for most likely last time (just ask my back?!) made it all come out-ugh! I know you wish I had pic to capture upheaval but I didn't want anything else within range:( Still took decent nap in transit & tried his best to be perky; however, he missed his bros' highlights incl feeding the budgies...
Seed sticks a bit more pricy than I anticipated, but cool to be one with winged friends & boys resembled Ace Ventura :) I was bummed that Luke was asleep & Paige kept calling everything a "dog" or so it sounded:)
Kendra wanted to sample herself! She is same age as Luke & Paige-As sidenote 'cuz didn't have pic to blog, funny to be in restaurant year ago all pregnant incl another sis-in-law of Rachel's; got some looks from waitresses who thought we met @ childbirth class:) nope! just 4 related & had babies within 3 wks of each other:) Annie wasn't so sure, but let mom bring it close for sec:)
Next on sched=camel ride! Had hoped to get all 4 on board, but Annie opted out prior to mounting the hump:) Notice they ceremoniously saved her spot & Alexa acted as proxy:)Seriously when would we have that oppor again in near future without going to Egypt? I indulged boys 'cuz they had finished summer reading prog, which enabled us to have free admission:) Figured I pretty much spent same amt by time done on extras despite my efforts to pack a lunch 'cuz they convinced me they needed a drink as well after all of that walking-We keep telling 'em they have to practice for Disneyland, but I'm afraid we would've made terrible pioneers!!
Otherwise same ole' stuff yet still captured digitally ie
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
OHMIGODDNESS, what a great camel ride! I love looking at all your pics all the time and it looks like you guys have so much fun! Glad Husky season has begun so you can enjoy that! WE miss you guys!
Great picutres! The zoo is always quite and adventure for all involved! The way the flash caught the tiger's eyes makes him look so scary! LOL : )
We miss that zoo! That is fabulous. Beck, you and your boys take the best pictures. You'll have to tell your sister that her girls are just lovely!
So fun! I suppose if we want to visit a zoo in Yakima, we can always turn over a rock and look for bugs?
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