Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Caution: Mom @ Work

Don't know if pic truly does justice to its sheer majesty but thought merited a blog post! My, I mean, Cole's crowning Bionicle achievement is finished:) ... 693 pieces and @ least 3 hours later and I wonder why my 9 loads of laundry took 3 days to complete?! I gently encouraged him that he should use b-day money for that particular set 'cuz it was on sale for $50 off (normally $80?!) Guess I didn't realize who'd be responsible to put the dumb thing together-ugh! Don't get me wrong, the assembly is usually my forte as opposed to the playtime (the latter requires too much imagination of which I lack:) I just struggle with these vehicles as I had to pass the pieces to Chris on the Christmas version when it wasn't looking right half-finished & this time his artistic eye noticed midway that slanted as well when should've been parallel lines?! Of course, I couldn't admit failure so carefully studied the pics & counted the spaces/holes until could redeem myself & surprised my firstborn the next am when it was standing in all its glory on the table for him to enjoy! Glad we have a few mos for me to rest up until holiday workshop resumes-I made them promise to keep it intact as long as possible in meantime (we'll see if that passes the selective hearing test?!)

1 comment:

KmCaCFamilyof5 said...

Wow, I'm impressed! And I'll be even more impressed if it does in fact, stay intact.