So Cole literally broke our record of no broken bones in this set o' Parker boys @ least...Took 7 yrs to achieve that goal but now has a wrist fracture to initiate us into the cast club! Wanted to tackle the monkey bars on his own, but alas! They were wet & he was a novice, so he instead swung over to convenience care where x-rays confirmed minor angulation of the radius with ulnar involvement. Yep, that's the extent of his mom's medical terminology-can I use that on a resume?:)
Did the splint/sling deal until mid-week...@ which point he got sad, but true news that he would need to make tough decision of color for the new addition to his wardrobe over the next month:
Went for yellow with intention of signees using a purple marker:) He was warned that choosing green may not make for happy father on saturdays in the fall esp a couple weeks from now when dreaded Ducks will be hunted by Dawgs in Seattle!! S'pose might have proven to be turning point for the Seahawks though...guess we'll never know but better to be safe than sorry! Funny to fill out the paperwork when it asked for our 1st grader's marital status & occupation so we had a little fun with the latter much to the orthopedic specialist's amusement (see cole-oquialisms plus incl more realistic policeman opt)!
Silly boy also took it upon himself to make sure his cast didn't stay clean & clear for long by writing names of our immediate family members on it during car ride home?! He added a "W" for extra measure & got the marker all over his clothes-ugh! Then he was bombarded on his first day back @ school by other kids who wanted to sign it:) Odd thing to make ya popular, but made him forget how annoying it was for a min @ least! Cole even had the playground duties add their autograph but not his own teacher?!:)
Thanks to Kanekoas & Dents for their well wishes & sweet prescriptions/entertainment during recovery thus far! People have been asking if he's in pain, but bagged the narcotics 'cuz instead looks like he's trying hard to break the other arm in the meantime with his activity level-so I'd have to say he's been pretty impressive for a little guy (as he often likes to quote ???)! If we could just get it to stop itching underneath 'cuz dr said he couldn't scratch it, so mere mention has driven him crazy! Now we just get to await the grand bill for total $$$ damage & keep a garbage bag handy for the ole' bathtime:(
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
Oh Cole! SO sorry he actually broke it and hope it heals quickly! At least he will get lots of attention at school!
Bummer, Cole. But he looks like a superhero when he bathes now! :) I've never broken anything or had stitches (besides that darn c-section) or had a bloody nose.
I am so sorry Cole! I had no idea. Hope it heals least he gets to support his Huskies in the meantime :)
so sad! You went a LONG time with all boys on this one, way to go. Soni broke a leg at 3! I bet he'll feel pretty cool at school in a cast though.
Tough kid. When Connor gets home, I'll show him the pictures. He will definitely empathize with the itchy situation. Poor sweet boy! Which doctor did you go to for the cast? We sure loved ours. The nurse even knew what BYU Blue meant, smile.
Sigh, $$$$ & filling out forms, sorry about that part. Yuck-O.
Colors carry a lot of symbolisim in the Parker family! I am glad that Cole is feeling ok. Thanks for stopping by on Sunday. I was in a Nyquil coma upstairs, and I am pretty sure none of my kids had pants on when they answered the door. It looks like you made a trip to Hess bakery :) Thanks for the Milka and gummi frogs!! The shoes are really cute, but I am a 10 darn it! Thanks for thinking of me though. Shall I continue the search for someone that wears a 9, or would you like the shoes back?
Saaad! What a bummer! I'm glad to hear he's okay and glad to still see a smile on his face!!
Ah, yes, that first broken bone. Too bad the first broken bone after we had children was mine. And Weston is only 6 months old but has Cole beat by 5 casts! Of course, he hasn't actually broken any bones, just for realignment. But casts are sure not fun to take care of!
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