Since I didn't manage to post on Luke's actual birthday (does it count that we were first of five families that we know to use that name in past yr?-ugh!), I decided to wait until the exact hour on which my third son was born one year & a day ago:)
Only so much partying a lil' guy can handle esp one who had thrown up & been pretty lethargic the whole previous afternoon so-oo, we did our best to commemorate with fine bbq lunch o' smoked ribs courtesy of his dad, which proved to be great for teething & side dishes prepped by mom & grandmas incl homemade mac n' cheese, which is a Parker boy fav!Usually don't splurge on balloons, but ya gotta get some for first big b-day & his own cake of course (thanks to Safeway! whose bakers even remembered to incl a purple & gold balloon like we did on gameday:) He liked both & even helped me to make the cake that everyone else would get to enjoy who didn't want the smudge fudge version:)
He didn't waste any time enjoying his dessert either:

He's my first baby who will still take a binkie & I think I dep on it now more than he does for mute button, but he still manages to make noise with it IN esp wherever he's expected to be silent?! Go figure-"Dog" was his first official word & he loves to see/pet/hear them. He currently either has an ear infection or new affinity toward looking like he's on a cell phone 'cuz he puts a variety of obj incl just his hand up to his ear & makes a sound like he's responding to voice on other end:) He can point or make it look like he's indicating his newfound maturity too, but might just be coincidence since not always on cue. He continues to adore his bros & doesn't want to settle for Megablocks when he could be interfering with their tiny Legos or just near them outside:) All good stuff to be saved for another video or whenever you can check him out in person...pref when he's not potentially getting 8 teeth @ once?!
I love him!!! He looks so old!! He has changed a lot since August! Wish we could have been there...Happy Birthday Lukey!
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY, LUKE!! I can't get over that first picture... he looks like such a big boy - so handsome! I was thinking of you guys over the weekend, knowing that we were celebrating our kids' birthdays at the same time... practically. Looks like he had a great first b-day party and is very loved by his big brothers!
P.S. Your b-day gift is collecting dust sitting here at my house... we HAVE to get together!!
HOLY COW, Happy Birthday Luker! I feel like a horrible friend, totally forgot! Love the pictures, love the video, love it all.
And really love the brothers wrapping everything they could find. Such sweet love.
As for the mute button binkie, I totally get it. I used it with Ty for many (sadly plural) years. When he started talking/eating/drinking/sneezing with it still in his mouth, I felt MotherGuilt and cut the ends off of them. He STILL talks about the day his pacifier broke. Very sad, wink.
Happy Birthday Luke! Looks like he enjoyed his cake!! and his party.
so cute beckie! i can't believe he's one already!! he is soooo handsome!
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