Guess never too early to bring on Christmas by looks of stores week before Halloween & now per Cole: He pulled 'em out all by himself with latest couple on past 2 Sun. respectively...guess he reverted back to nearest holiday by the blood that accompanied the act?! Kinda funny that it was only a week after we had his 7 y.o. pics taken too! Earned $2 from tooth fairy + $1 from change given @ Husky Stadium concession stand courtesy of Dad + $2 from Aunt Brooke (betcha she didn't even realize her generosity, so thanks! he found on her bed @ home never mind that she's @ BYU:), So showed off his new smile even more when it totaled enough to buy a Bakugan!
Tonight he decided Dad could best help him to make a lookalike:To rewind a bit, mom got stuck with dirty work again somehow?! Kinda like Christmas tree lighting to compare the holidays once more:)
Even after a couple weeks of pumpkins hanging out on the porch, still had to deliberate on the design for a while...
Opted for silly faces vs scary this year & decided to add a little pizazz with glitter for eyes, teeth & tongue that will prob never dry-ugh!
Also tried scented votives to set them aglow; we'll see if trick-or-treaters enjoy waft of black licorice & candy corn before they're disappointed that we aren't offering any actual candy since we're gonna be out & about ourselves:) Boys couldn't wait for a preview, so we took advantage of photo op...
Huey had to be entertained alongside the carvers, but tried to get in on the action toward the end:
As usual, all Parker boys still had energy for a round o' wrestling afterward...
=perfect conclusion to long-awaited see, I had to keep reminding them that we have to wait to carve until week o' Halloween here in WA if we want to avoid moldy Jack-o-Lanterns- ugh!
Monday, October 26, 2009
All I Want For Christmas is My 2 Front Teeth!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
3:03 PM
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Am I a Horrible Mother??
I can't believe some of the things that have made my sons furious with me in the past week?! No pictures on purpose, but no doubt you can imagine the drama even in house o' boys:)
Luke sobbing hysterically @ the shower door as I have the audacity to bathe myself in the am while they're awake 'cuz I've missed my early window as opposed to waiting until his one & only & freq all too short nap around 1P or late @ night after they're all in bed--
Luke screaming @ top of stairs 'cuz I put up the gate vs watching him fall down 14 stairs as I try to vaccuum them with the stupid cannister vac that Chris insisted I would pref to upright version--
Luke wailing as I scoop out the wax pieces from his mouth 'cuz I wouldn't let him digest crayons--
Luke getting fussy when I put him down for a matter of seconds so he doesn't get burned with whatever hot pan contains our meal & needs to be removed from stove/oven--
Dane screaming "I hate you!" because I asked him to put on boots & rain coat before he goes outside in the downpour 'cuz otherwise he'd never enjoy the outdoors @ all in WA during our manic depressive fall weather--
Definitely pattern instigated by 1 y.o. eh? But then there are moments like Cole's weekly suggestion for theme in FHE or humorous quip from one or both the older boys, that crazy laugh from the youngest, or self-imposed applause when baby does something for which he thinks you should be proud of him...then it's all good!
And just now as I'm trying to vent to my blog buddies, they have approached me @ 9:30P (on weekend) & asked if they can go to bed since they are really tired?! Once again validation that I have a lot of room for improvement in the motherhood category! Have any of the aforementioned scenarios happened @ your house??
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
9:31 PM
Friday, October 16, 2009
Makin' & Watchin' Ratatouille on Purple Fri!
My sister inspired me with her variety of meals & of course, Oct. copy of Family Fun magazine (already made white chili earlier this week & will def be whipping up the 2 pumpkin desserts I discovered soon:) There's just somethin' about fall plus tonight's weather kept us cozy indoors after a rainy am jaunt to the park, so-oo...We decided it would be fun to try the recipe for the tasty dish from the movie while watching the little chef in action! I took a few liberties with ingredients; those of you who know me will agree that i'm about furthest you can get from gourmet, but quite resourceful in the kitchen! Having said that, I think it turned out decent for first try?!
Not sure about Ego's critique, but I think t'is a great way to incl lots o' veggies with the sweet dark dinner bread from Costco! Here's the purple eggplant before I peeled per dir:) since the French classically made by simmering that with other herbs etc
Cole enjoyed, but Dane not so much as he's concerned my picky one-Yes he likes to hang out "in his belly" freq:)
But point of story is, Luke had no prob finishing off his brother's portion while my middle child resorted to Easy Mac!
T'was indeed hearty though, as those of us who partook were mighty full after our bowl-Just enough room to finish off last pieces of Luke's b-day cake:) after we laughed in same parts as usual: Our all-time fav scene from Ratatouille occurs when Emil? gets whole bunch of grapes knocked outta him after block of cheese falls behind him & door opens for human to find him guilty as charged:)
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
8:34 PM
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Year o' the Rugby
Didn't realize until Parker Boy #3 what a collection of rugby shirts we have for 12-18 mo. size...Part o' the reason is 'cuz each has sported one in his 1 y.o. pics. Guess a toddler can never have enough esp this messy one!?! Too bad when purchased no attention was paid to laundering nightmare that would occur with white collars next to color & stains-ugh! But just look @ that ponum-sp?
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
2:30 PM
Sunday, October 11, 2009
My baby is ONE!!
Since I didn't manage to post on Luke's actual birthday (does it count that we were first of five families that we know to use that name in past yr?-ugh!), I decided to wait until the exact hour on which my third son was born one year & a day ago:)
Only so much partying a lil' guy can handle esp one who had thrown up & been pretty lethargic the whole previous afternoon so-oo, we did our best to commemorate with fine bbq lunch o' smoked ribs courtesy of his dad, which proved to be great for teething & side dishes prepped by mom & grandmas incl homemade mac n' cheese, which is a Parker boy fav!Usually don't splurge on balloons, but ya gotta get some for first big b-day & his own cake of course (thanks to Safeway! whose bakers even remembered to incl a purple & gold balloon like we did on gameday:) He liked both & even helped me to make the cake that everyone else would get to enjoy who didn't want the smudge fudge version:)
He didn't waste any time enjoying his dessert either:

He's my first baby who will still take a binkie & I think I dep on it now more than he does for mute button, but he still manages to make noise with it IN esp wherever he's expected to be silent?! Go figure-"Dog" was his first official word & he loves to see/pet/hear them. He currently either has an ear infection or new affinity toward looking like he's on a cell phone 'cuz he puts a variety of obj incl just his hand up to his ear & makes a sound like he's responding to voice on other end:) He can point or make it look like he's indicating his newfound maturity too, but might just be coincidence since not always on cue. He continues to adore his bros & doesn't want to settle for Megablocks when he could be interfering with their tiny Legos or just near them outside:) All good stuff to be saved for another video or whenever you can check him out in person...pref when he's not potentially getting 8 teeth @ once?!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
12:34 PM
Monday, October 5, 2009
No more monkeys swingin' on the bars!
So Cole literally broke our record of no broken bones in this set o' Parker boys @ least...Took 7 yrs to achieve that goal but now has a wrist fracture to initiate us into the cast club! Wanted to tackle the monkey bars on his own, but alas! They were wet & he was a novice, so he instead swung over to convenience care where x-rays confirmed minor angulation of the radius with ulnar involvement. Yep, that's the extent of his mom's medical terminology-can I use that on a resume?:)
Did the splint/sling deal until mid-week...@ which point he got sad, but true news that he would need to make tough decision of color for the new addition to his wardrobe over the next month:
Went for yellow with intention of signees using a purple marker:) He was warned that choosing green may not make for happy father on saturdays in the fall esp a couple weeks from now when dreaded Ducks will be hunted by Dawgs in Seattle!! S'pose might have proven to be turning point for the Seahawks though...guess we'll never know but better to be safe than sorry! Funny to fill out the paperwork when it asked for our 1st grader's marital status & occupation so we had a little fun with the latter much to the orthopedic specialist's amusement (see cole-oquialisms plus incl more realistic policeman opt)!
Silly boy also took it upon himself to make sure his cast didn't stay clean & clear for long by writing names of our immediate family members on it during car ride home?! He added a "W" for extra measure & got the marker all over his clothes-ugh! Then he was bombarded on his first day back @ school by other kids who wanted to sign it:) Odd thing to make ya popular, but made him forget how annoying it was for a min @ least! Cole even had the playground duties add their autograph but not his own teacher?!:)
Thanks to Kanekoas & Dents for their well wishes & sweet prescriptions/entertainment during recovery thus far! People have been asking if he's in pain, but bagged the narcotics 'cuz instead looks like he's trying hard to break the other arm in the meantime with his activity level-so I'd have to say he's been pretty impressive for a little guy (as he often likes to quote ???)! If we could just get it to stop itching underneath 'cuz dr said he couldn't scratch it, so mere mention has driven him crazy! Now we just get to await the grand bill for total $$$ damage & keep a garbage bag handy for the ole' bathtime:(
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
10:53 AM
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Keeping Up with the Lederhosen
Fellow Husky fans would pref title "All I Saw Was Lederhosen", so it was a tough call:) Drank our share of water @ Oktoberfest in Leavenworth, but t'was extent of us party animals considering our main goal there was to complete half marathon...Also resisted urge to invest in crazy hats that ranged on others from chicken heads to steins.
Thanks to our friend & running inspiration Anna Conner for accommodation arr & cheering us on (which was nice despite my insistence that unnecess in hopes she could relax too-instead we wiped her out as she tried to follow 6 of us along course:) even though she had to sit this one out @ 9 mos. pregnant-No thanks to me as navigator 'cuz I led Tara astray few too many times, which led to our even later arrival on Fri. night. Still managed to pick up our packet & enjoy late carb-loaded dinner @ Visconti's-By then, we didn't care if we had time to digest & topped it off with some hot choc 'cuz we were freezing:) Those who know me would be surprised that we, or I should say they did it for me, called it a night @ 11P in the Icicle Inn so we'd be rested & ready for action next am.
Gun fired @ 9A & we were off! Got my surge early-prob too early-& then realized peaked when still had half of half to go-ugh! Would rather have just appreciated for final mile like last year, but I was bound & determined to do better without having Luke on board. My training runs paid off with hill @ beg., then liked the trail over the river & through the woods. Only problem is mile markers were mini, so only caught #5, 10 & 11-Thus had this expression for all of my Anna sightings:)
Tried to encourage everyone else around final bend before finish line, then took advantage of the complimentary sugar fix:) The gingersnaps & apples kept fall vibe goin' as did the pumpkin gelatto! Skipped dip in river despite Anna's encouragement as a veteran of this run & opted for quick, yet warm & welcome shower...
Then we headed for late lunch & rest o' Husky game @ Gustav's Onion Dome Tavern complete with first Mtn Dew in long time, which I thought was appropriate for the locale as well?! Food was better than outcome of the football rematch:(
Strolled along the quaint shops & felt entitled to few more treats for next couple hours before we crashed again much to dismay of this night owl but we were spent in more ways than one!!!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
10:02 PM