You would've thought my boys were trained by Robert Redford himself when they visited SueAnn's miniature horses last month! She had invited us during my ultrasound to come & see her new additions considering she lives nearby. The boys loved chasing the babies around & watching the moms' reactions mostly 'cuz they weren't much bigger than them:)
Annie wasn't so sure she wanted to get up close & personal, but appreciated them from afar.
Dad & Cait also joined us 'cuz Mom & Brooke were already en route to UT.
I guess we miss the rest o' the Shaw girls already so entertained those who stayed behind in Puyallup:) They even followed us to coach-pitch practice & took us out to dinner @ Olive Garden afterward=fun night considering my dad is on vacation & couldn't go on originally scheduled grad cruise due to Brooke's speedy start @ BYU. He & Cait will fly down tomorrow for the weekend to check out new dorm sit., etc.
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
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