Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another 4th @ Fort Vancouver

After breakfast @ Hawks Prairie en route to Woodland & a cloudy day @ Lake Merwin, we ventured further south for fireworks!

Of course we always have to rock out during the cool concert prior to the real show:) I must admit I was disappointed yet another year re: recorded patriotic medley Proud to be an American or Coming to America? Are you kidding me? Those are classics!

Oh, can't forget second year of new tradition by buying pizza @ midnight in Vancouver to bring back to the cabin as well as lighting a few explosives of own for Parker boys-it's a guy thing, eh?

Grandpa even got in on the action this year!God bless America:) Only thing that could've made me happier would've been a little cooperation from the weather-ugh! We didn't let it dampen our spirits though!!


The Bergesons said...

we watched in salt lake and while it was very fun it was nothing compared to Ft. Vancouver! Wish I could have joined you but I am glad you had fun and got some fun pics to share with me! Love you-britty

Kjrsten said...

next time you make it to FT Vancouvie, it's only a hop skip and a jump further to my place. I'm just sayin'...