Despite sweater weather in NoWest, we took advantage of $.31 scoop night @ Baskin n' Robbins after dinner:) Thanks to an advance e-mail from a trusted source, we ignored the fact that the line stretched outside the door & thoroughly enjoyed 6 scoops of basic cookie dough ice cream for mere $2.81...come to think of it, we could've spent a lil' more @ grocery store & gotten a whole gallon, but whatever! For the record, I did branch out a bit with "Everyone's Favorite Candy Bar" featuring Snickers & of course, had to have a waffle cone 'cuz I fully plan to run it off:) (my half marathon is next Sat-whoa!) Dane fell asleep in the car as we pulled up to the store, but I saved some for him in a cup & he awakened in time to polish it off before bedtime for them & American Idol for their parents! Not bad way to end an otherwise typical Weds. night:)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Here's the latest scoop!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
11:10 PM
Bow Down to Washington...

model pads (last ones allowed after waiting over half hour 'cuz had to clear the field)...pretty sure Dane missed the chin part of this pad!:)
& last but not least, bounce in the football helmet while mom stood in line for their hot dogs, chips & lemonade!

We all got a glimpse of the sun; however, we weren't bright enough to prepare with sunblock so took a nice sunburn home with us:) Don't fret, it's already faded with return of rain! Gotta love spring in WA!

Posted by
Rebecca Parker
11:05 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Our Great Dane
So as not to leave our lil' bro out (for time being) & thanks to tag by another girlfriend in OR, I will try & put Dane into words:) 1. No wonder we're having a hard time selecting a monosyllabic name for #3 when we've managed to randomly lengthen our other two. We added the "Dog" (or sometimes "Bug") to his nickname 'cuz Scooby Doo was a Great Dane & we saw one @ Bradley Lake Park before it was closed due to a bear sighting! Chris would have me add here that he would've preferred the name "Dash" instead. I don't remember him putting up much of a fight & yes, it was before Incredibles came out in theater; however, he threatened to make it official during his blessing @ Church. I was worried he might not be the swiftest kid in town & that would lead to mockery, but he is proving to be quite speedy & definitely into sports.
4. Dane is a heavy drinker! I think I need to cut his liquids off @ dinner if I have any hope of a dry night. Moreover, I think I need to make him eat his meals before I offer him a beverage or else he won't eat! Juice is usually the one of choice; however, he'll pretty much try anything except not a fan of plain H20...boring I guess?! He is constantly asking for something to drink & I'm not ashamed to say I still make him drink outta a sippy cup-so much that he'll ask for one that has a lid or valve 'cuz he's worried he'll spill! He drinks it down in one gulp without taking a breath & still sticks his tongue out underneath like a baby-(hard to describe, but notice he has 2 drinks in the first shot & the other pose we captured is one he came up with own one night @ dinner! charming, eh?:))
5. Dane Christopher has graduated to a big-boy bed (trundle of Cole's) & big-boy undies by day + 4T in clothes in past few mos.! Unfortunately he still feels caught between lil' guy & big boy on most days: I think he's come to understanding that he'll never be older than Cole, but loves to be included with anything his brother does & counts all of his Cole's friends as his own. He is stuck between rooms 'cuz still I've kept his clothes in room that holds crib, but he insists that younger kids play with his Little People in there vs. toys to which he's graduated technically in Cole's room. He is bitter that he's still in nursery for another year (consider that & double-deductible insurance charge, etc. before you make a child have a Jan. b-day--ugh!) & calls everyone else in there a baby! He loves to have his hair spiked & wear cologne/ties to Church. He can't wait to be @ preschool for reals! Most of you are already aware of his affinity toward Super Heroes & all weaponry=true boy! For that reason, he is ready to be a big brother...On the other hand, he just recently became really into blankies & still wants me to hold him around the house or out @ stores! I s'pose I need to treasure this time while it lasts 'cuz they grow so fast!! I'm gonna try my best to make sure he doesn't feel like a "middle child" too often 'cuz that's my fear!!
K, he's only "free" but I added 2 more for the record & his ego. Amazingly enough, he could probably tell you that makes 5! To keep the party going, he tags Derek & Luke Bergeson (aunt's nephews on the other side; I'll let their mom decide if she wants to show 'em off separately or as twins:) even though she just posted accurate description about 4 y.o. boys), Greta Gehring/Annie Uffens (mostly 'cuz I love her mom's humor even though she's already the star of their blog until new baby comes next month/this fall), Cara McCray (she's a model-check her out! Cole said that if they were a couple, they'd be called "Beauty & the Dane":)) & Sam Lee!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
10:21 PM
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Cat in the Hat OR Outta the Bag
Cole & Dane are sporting their new haircuts (fast-forward to summer style in hopes to inspire some spring sun?!) & their shirts that Grandpa Gar & Grandma Neecy brought back from Islands of Adventure in FL from whence their cruise departed. Basically we stole the littlest shirt from my niece, but the timing was too perfect to announce right then that we should probably hold onto that one too!! Chris & I have known since Valentines' Day, so it's been tough to keep on the down-low until we knew if it'd stick around?! Let's hope so 'cuz it'll already be almost 4 yrs. younger than Daner, so it was now or never! We're struggling to picture him as a big bro anyway & not sure he's ready yet either! Good thing he has 28 more weeks to prepare, eh? Ugh...that makes it seem eternal!Well, if the ticker to the right didn't give it away; we're expecting Thing 3 to join the Parker household in the fall!! Oct. 22 to be exact (if it's a girl, that'd be fabulous to maintain tradition since I scheduled accordingly; if it's a boy, we don't care as much if he comes on my grandma's b-day:)). Cole would love a little sister, but Dane says only mommies & boys are welcome @ our house (although he reconsiders on occasion...)! Chris & I can't agree on a name for another boy, so let's hope the novelty of a girl will bring some peace to our marriage. Not sure I can handle 3 sons although we have quite a few friends & family who seem to cater to one gender or the other & I'm partial toward our handsome lil' guys! Besides we're totally in boy mode now & we'd really have to switch gears-don't know if I'm that into pink or dolls after being overtaken by Transformers, Legos & weaponry!
We got to take a peek @ it a week ago 'cuz the joy of #3=quicker changes to my body:( Hard to believe it can wreak such havoc @ such small size; it seems quite active already, but thankfully looks healthy so far so good + nice, strong heartbeat on the doppler! Maybe we'll figure out how to scan a clearer image in time for the real deal, but you'll have to settle for a pic. of a pic. now!I couldn't figure it out for a while & then it occurred to me that ultrasound pics.-especially @ this stage or maybe just this one in particular-bear a striking resemblance to The Scream by Edvard Munch:) What d'ya think?
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
11:13 PM
Monday, April 7, 2008
Spring Breakin' with the Parkers
Don't know why I feel the need to document our attempts to make Spring Break just that=fun & different from normal routine, but I do even though this re-cap will make ya wonder if it was that exciting?! No, it wasn't HI this year; however, ya gotta love the Great NoWest even when Mother Nature is manic! Sorry to disappoint those who prefer deep & intellectual thoughts-you won't find too many of those @ our house these days except from Cole who insisted he learn how to put something on the blog instead of going to bed tonight! That reminds me that I need to potty Dane (he's only 1 for 3 on dry nights-ugh!) Okay, I'm back & here's the run-down:
MON.-->With all of this free time staring @ us, had to take advantage of spring cleaning! Tried to get organized with exciting OCD project to assemble all of the boys' legos so had to sort first in addition to tackling my laundry! Our FHE theme ended up being re: house of order & not a house of confusion! Obviously didn't accomplish goal in week's time, but I'm sure you can endure a few more sleepless nights until we can show you the final display, which I guarantee won't even make it 24 hours intact. Why do I bother??
TUES.-->While the weather wasn't very cooperative, we still managed to get out & enjoy our first Mariners game @ sub-arctic Safeco Field:) My dad's text msg. to my mom & sister who came later was "make sure to grab a few blankets & anything warm that you can find!" Unfortunately the players never warmed up either 'cuz they won their season opener on the previous afternoon & were victorious the night after our visit; however, we were faithful fans until the bitter end! For the record, JJ didn't have his typical thunder & was actually put on the 15-day DL! I tried to capture the start of '08 season with our camera, but was dumb & brought it without a memory card-ugh! At least the Moose was prepared, but the picture below was taken of the original vs. scanned until Chris can figure out how to do the latter for me:) Maybe he can also upload the one from his cell phone featuring Cole's rally cap! Dane makes me laugh 'cuz he always wants to know where the Moose is during any given inning, but he only wants to give him high-five during close encounter vs. having picture taken with him! He begrudgingly agreed & even managed to wave on his own:) Ran 4.5 mi. on elliptical @ my parents' house oh, around midnight...
WEDS.-->Had whopping hour prior to high tide on Titlow Beach, but still managed to collect 2 crabs & various other oceanside treasures, lose a garden rake-ugh! (sorry mom! silly me for thinking it would remain on rock until our return vs. Dane poking his eye out on our walk!), observe a seal/bald eagle & catch a glimpse of the sun...
Enjoyed dinner afterward @ Birds' (friends from high school)-thanks Zac, Sherida & Claire for hospitality despite the antics of our wild boys! Ran 2.5 mi. again on my parents' elliptical with full tummy afterward & caught up on American Idol-DVR is a wonderful thing since I failed to change my TV to DST when I tried to record old-school VHS-style on previous night:)
THURS.-->Awoke @ 6A to run 5 mi., then grabbed boys & left the house in jammies a couple hours later to watch my friend's kids so she & another friend could run too only to come back for Belgian waffles to celebrate=Happy B-day Britt! Can't burn all those calories & not replace 'em:) So we crashed her family party later for more fine dining with Kanekoas @ Snoqualmie Falls-thanks for letting us enjoy delicious b-day dinner & even better company!
FRI.-->Intended to become one with nature @ NoWest Trek, but weather wasn't too promising. So switched to inside entertainment & met Palmers (friends from Silverdale) @ Odyssey in UP, then kept the party goin' with Nim's Island (movie) followed by purchase of sword/shields for boys (long story, but basically thought we were being more economical than investing in tokens to earn as prize @ arcade...probably came out even, but worth it 'cuz it has totally entertained them the rest of the weekend & you can bet it will serve as incentive for haircuts on Mon. night?!). If you're keeping track o' my training schedule, I'm not gonna lie! I counted chasing 'em around & trying to fit through slide & tubes as cross-training:) Furthermore, I took full advantage of another tasty dinner @ Farelli's pizza-I told ya, we're all about culinary arts! For the record, I had my favorite salad there 'cuz I needed to eat more veggies rather than loading up on carbs (I'm sure my weight-watcher friends would correct me re: point total so not sure I succeeded, but rationalized that it was either another night @ restaurant or I'd have to go grocery shopping for those ingredients while starving?! hmmm....tough choice but will probably regret when I budget later in month:) I should add that it was fun to meet Grant's & Jack's (obviously twins) newly adopted little sister Reagan & anticipate the birth of little sister McKinley next month!!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
12:50 AM