So yesterday was Dane-o's 6th birthday & for the first time that I can recall of any b-day or holiday for that matter, our celebration was pretty mellow. The reason being was a call from childcare the evening beforehand reporting an upheaval in the gym:/ So this would be how it began:He still woke up before Cole left to school to open his fun present from Grandpa & Grandma Parker -made me laugh that he was treating like Christmas since he definitely got up earlier than that day:) Great Grandma Lou remembered & sent gift card too right on time!
His illness ended up being kind of a false alarm, but better safe than sorry--Don't get me wrong! I was grateful that his condition didn't worsen beyond vomiting just once-Plus no fever whole time so once he kept breakfast down, we borrowed Wii equipment anyway to try & make it fun with a preview to his hip hop theme & rough draft of refreshment:Instead of 25 friends we'd invited since an even year, these were his party guests:)
Daner thoroughly enjoyed having neither kindergarten nor childcare! Grandma Neecy n' Aunt Cait brought slurpees & doughnuts that afternoon to celebrate too:) Cait always makes b-days special, so she gave him a sweet card n' balloon all by herself & kept checking how he was feeling:) He felt cured enough by evening to meet dad n' Grandpa Gar for dinner @ The Rock pizza as seems to be tradition!
It was a tasty gift for the whole fam:) Then we cruised over to Game Stop to pick up a new DS game that provided entertainment for rest o' evening (not long on school night); photo credit courtesy of Luke:)
Stay tuned for pics of Step Up 6 even if it is bit belated...Gotta be healthy to be in dancing mood & we will before the month is over! Hey if anyone knows where I can enroll b-day boy in real hip hop class before his 7th b-day, please let me know:)
PS Let's be honest-how sick does he look here?Thanks Abe for early present:) Santa considered it, but you are a very generous friend & especially love the emphasis on safety c/o trusty pads although let it be known that Dane doesn't think skateboarding requires any practice?!
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
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