Have to dedicate this post to my firstborn son...Sometimes he acts too cool for school as shown below (guess we should be grateful for the wave in this one:)
However, he was chosen again by his 2nd grade teacher as a Terrific Kid @ Zeiger Elementary & honored @ an assembly last Friday--It's a fun surprise to the recipients who don't find out until that morning even by well-meaning dad who wanted him to look sharp but allowed the casual tribute to our Seahawks to remain emblazoned on his shirt:)
This month's honorees focused on R-E-S-P-E-C-T! His teacher, Mrs Dilworth, who has been a great choice for us, actually chose him & got to announce each child from her class-
LtoR: Carson, Cole, Christian, Mackenzie and Sophia (coincidentally have been in same class since kindergarten). Let us not forget Payton (cutie patootie who is in same class, but sat further down the row:) Our neighbor Matthew was also member of this month's elite, but is behind her & on the opposite edge:
Mom cut it a little close as usual-who expects traffic from work @ noon even on Friday? But even his fans who made it early missed the typical red carpet tx this year?! We still took a pic of him walking out with his special hall pass to the reception they had before returning to schoolwork-So proud of him, plus it's been a great reminder for him to maintain that quality outside of classroom:) Whenever being respectful is in question, we just say "Hmmm, didn't you just get an award for that?" :) To Grandpa Gar, Grandma Neecy & Aunt Cait: Thanks for coming out to support Coley!! He gets a little bent out of shape lately with attention toward his brothers detracting from his one-on-one time, but they adore him! He has truly set the bar high for my Parker boys to follow & we love him so-oo much!!
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
YAY COLEY!! So proud of him and his respectful self! Wish I was there to cheer him on but mom sent phone pics and I was clapping in KY:) Love you guys! Way to go buddy!!
Congrats, Cole!
Aww...sweet, Becky! That's somethin'.
Yay for Cole!
way to go cole! i love you buddy!
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