This recognition on the ole' blog is belated as were most o' their b-day gifts; however, I must keep new tradition of honoring fam on their special days:) So starting off with bro-in-law Mike who partied in UT (don't feel too sorry for him 'cuz he also escaped to HI prior week:) along with his son, our nephew Jake.Then we have to mention our niece Kallee, Jon's daughter, in AZ! Can't believe she's #10, but easy to remember 'cuz she was born the spring I came home from my mission & blessed day after we were engaged so looking forward to that big wedding anniversary although dates us as well:)
Our niece Chelsea is one year older & wiser too as of 4/8:)
Chris' mom celebrated her b-day right after Easter=4/13!Chris' sister Amy had hers on 4/30-As you can see, life with her is always a party:)
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
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