Off to Kona!
We were excited for long-awaited trip even if it meant missing the also revered Husky Spring Football Game day after we flew across Pacific Ocean! We arrived late afternoon on Fri. & brought all of our stuff to 3, count 'em 3 condos that our family now occupies since there were, in fact, 14 of us total! Then we cruised back to Kailua for Bubba Gump delicacies & were grateful no cockroaches served us this time! The boys thought their boat bowl was pretty cool & Cole posed as Forrest even though he doesn't really have a clue who he is-
Dinner was followed by traditional stock-up @ Costco and then we jetted back to airport (yes, all of us 'cuz that's how we sentimental shaw girls & co roll:)) picked up Uffens who had been delayed until 9p-not so fun with 2 y.o. & 6 mo. old! So great to be reunited back @ Bay Club except for not sure this big guy was invited...Luke got to re-evaluate his cousin Paige (or maybe the other way around) after a few mos. hiatus-They're only 3 wks apart:)
Annie pretty much followed Cole & Dane wherever & whenever they let her be part of the action! Of course, they love her too:) & are grateful for amazing aunts & grandparents who cater to them in particular @ all costs...
Since our amoeba is getting bigger and going out for every meal can be an ordeal, mom decided that each married daughter would be responsible for one dinner during the week back @ condo...def got better end o' deal considering along for ride c/o parents for rest of generous amenities-Chris was proudly displaying our barbecued flank steak that resembled the shape of the big island:)My boys joined the men for a couple holes of golf on the beach course nearby-
Luke loved his first exposure to the beach, incl sand & waves! He squealed as we got closer & kicked his legs in the surf:)
The older boys definitely thought it was cool too-
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
1 comment:
i am a huge fan of the beach pics! love you! britty---
sorry you couldn't rotate them that is bizarre?!
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