We love going to the ward near Parker Ranch every time we are in HI-It's up in Waimea about half hour away & is located near a lot o' other bldgs that bear our revered name:)! Always have to take pic outside chapel even when my eyes can't stay open (you'll see-no pun intended-that annoying feature apparently cont. throughout the day 'cuz I guess that's how WA girls react to sun)?!
Of course, my dad can't be that close to Tex's & not stop for malasadas...we highly recomm if your ox is in the mire while in paradise:) By then, he decided we should explore further on to Hilo. Stopped @ KoleKole park en route to check out surf despite rotting wild pig scent-yuck! Cole was feeling pretty famous by then:)
Also met a gnarly dude (in background)! Doesn't Dane look like he belongs on a Geico commercial?
Love the photo shoot Chris took of my handsome boys...
Dane was also thrilled to see live splitting of coconut despite his earlier attempts via machete & we all sampled its milk & raw meat so we could feel like natives:)
From there we realized we were only hour away from Volcanos National Park & kept on driving! Too bad the entrance that we used has specific viewing hours we pretty much ignored considering 2 hrs. shy of 'em. I guess it's like having a lifeguard on duty? Basically were so close to plume that had to get up close & personal, eh? Never mind the warning signs! Yes, we even brought both babies!
So cool to be right there although brilliant red lava wasn't as visible obviously in the light of day-however can't imagine feeling that much safer gallavanting across theses cracks in the dark?Turned around & headed back when ranger yelled @ us over megaphone-oops! Definitely the way to go vs. route that Chris & I tried 4 yrs. ago from the other direction...Quite the road trip for our entourage but well worth it!!
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
YOU WIN!!! I keep sitting down to post Hawaii and then I am WAY too overwhelmed to start since I know it will take FOREVER!! Thanks for stretching the pictures I happen to be in...made me feel thinner :) ha! Love it!
Chris & Beckie, the family picture at the end is FAB-U-LOUS!!!!
You guys are so great. Very jealous of your vacation. Well, maybe Dave & I will get the bahamas sometime?
Glad you all got to spend some quality family time in Hawaii! Volcanoes National Park looks like an amazing place to visit... wow! And can I just say that the little photo shoot of Cole & Dane is so stinkin' adorable!! Love that family shot at the end, too!
Oh man, I'm really wanting to go back to hawaii!! looks like you guys had a great time, I enjoyed looking at all the pictures. And, by the way, your hubby kinda looks like Chris Daughtry in that last family pic.
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