Last year we enjoyed a weekend on the coast with some friends from high school & called it a reunion of sorts 'cuz our husbands had gone while single right after their missions. Except this time the wives were included & we stayed in a million-dollar beach house:) Our buddy Jeremiah Shakespeare (who served with Chris as AP in TX) is pretty much second in command over that project (sorry I don't know your official job title Speazy?!) so he hooked us up, together with the nice cottage rental lady, for a great deal to split amongst four couples. We had such a great time that we wanted to schedule again, but it's become even more popular of a destination a year later & our group changed somewhat=>other Parkers (Chris' cousin Chad & Kyla), Gehrings (Stefan & Molly) & Birds (Zac & Sherida), so latter guys still Curtis pals & we love their wives anyway:) We missed those who couldn't join us due to other summer plans & priorities, but totally understand & will have to plan ahead for '09. This year we ended up only having to pay for maid service following our 3-night stay thanks to a nice bishop from Woodinville whose home isn't even in the rental pool but he accommodated us:) Little did we know how great it would be to have such a fabulous place to shelter us from the stormy midsummer weather-ugh! Needless to say, we could see the waves from the window but the guys didn't even skim board this time:) Instead it was prime kite-flying weather; just ask Chad who nearly assaulted us on more than one occasion in addition to another group of innocent beach bystanders:) Thankfully Stefan & Zac had some more expertise to share & our lives were spared not to mention the borrowed kite is still intact!
Chris thought it'd be cool to have bbq lunch on beach too, but we didn't account for wind & had to take advantage of extra layers-silly us! In fact we pretty much wore multiple sweatshirts the whole time...oh well!We decided to venture over to Westport & made the hour + drive since the ferry wasn't in operation. Somehow it hadn't been much more developed than Chris remembered visiting as a child:) but still fun to check out existing shops in case rain interfered with our other outdoor antics. Also enjoyed salt-water taffy & other random souvenirs along the way to make it somewhat worth our while...hey, can't fault us for being spontaneous?!
We celebrated Sherida & Kyla's b-day with fancy dinner @ the Ocean Crest that night.
We had a beautiful view of the ocean @ sunset & delicious meal albeit leisurely service! Apparently that restaurant has even been featured in Sunset magazine! The best part is we didn't have to worry about occupying our children or staying out past their bedtime (not that my boys have one, but other more disciplined parents appreciated that aspect:)!
The ladies (Sherida, Kyla & I minus Molly 'cuz she was taking care o' Lana; don't feel too sorry for her 'cuz she still had a massage earlier that a.m.:)) took advantage of the cruisers & explored the metropolis that is Pacific Beach:) Probably not the safest idea on the highway, but hey! Took me over a week to recover from using coaster brakes on the hill, but I'll spare you the details of that minor accident:) Smiling through the pain...let's just say that I felt like I'd already delivered & leave it @ that-ugh! No wonder I haven't felt like I could water ski this summer if I can't even ride a simple bike?!
Meanwhile the guys exercised @ Ocean Crest (who has hosted Apollo Ohno, but otherwise left much to be desired:) or went shooting in the forest (not to fear! no small animals were injured; they assured us that they only used inanimate objects as targets:) What trip to the ocean would be complete without a bonfire or two with uh, 8 pallets of wood & extra from Seabrook's firepits:) My favorite part were the s'mores & we're not just talking plain Hershey style! Once again Chad had a bright idea of adding some sparks, but we weren't the ones with fireworks if anyone asks. Let's just say that Screaming Mimi lived up to her name & more even after we thought she was done & threw her in the fire-uh oh!
Since I didn't have to hurry back to Primary in Puyallup ('cuz I was released after whoppin' yr. & am back with YW), we visited the Ocean Shores Branch over which Jeremiah is currently president. That enabled us to spend extra afternoon with Shakespeares & their cute girls We caught up that evening with our boys who had already flown south to Lake Merwin with Shaws-thanks grandpa & grandma for another great weekend o' childcare! Chris drove all that way so he could drop me off & say "hi" to 'em before returning to work himself while we played for a few more days! Thanks honey for the round trip!
All in all, we couldn't have asked for better company, food (especially 'cuz we took turns with planning/preparation) plus fun & games regardless of the weather:)
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
check out that cuuuuute belly! looks like fun.
Wow, so many new posts... fun to read everything & get caught up on your summer! Glad you guys had such a great time in Seabrook! Sorry again that we couldn't make it this year. Hopefully it'll work out for next year!
I'm so sad I missed you the other day when you called. And I didn't have my cell phone on me... such a bummer! I called you that one Friday morning you said you were going to Stewart Heights but no one answered & I didn't even get your machine. Did you end up going? Well, I sure miss you and I'd like to get our kids together after school one afternoon... since school already starts next week! Where did our summer go?
Hey, it was nice to look through your cute blog again. I must say that you are an especially cute pregnant mom. (Don't you always hate/love to hear that?!)
wow! every time i look at your blog our hear about your life... i think mines not that busy after all. you sure keep on your toes year round. you and your family have been exposed to quite a bit in the area. they'll always love those memories. what a cool mom and wife you are! you are so pretty!
Okay, Beck, I swear I checked your blog only a few days ago...What a fun summer! Please further explain your biking accident though...You okay? We'll talk soon. LOVE the pictures!
I have loved all the updates. I am so glad seabrook was fun and you got such an awesome deal on that house! You look great in all the pictures and I am glad you are recovering from bike accident--ouch! love you becca-britty
hey!! it's emma george!! i found yor blog through peoples... we have one too... check us out at
Hi again!! Looks like your trip was a are we invited next year?? hint hint Just jokin, looks like a beautiful place but you're not kidding about the cold- thats so frustrating. For some reason I have this idea of the beach being warm- call me crazy.
You do look amazing, I look like crap when Im pregnant. If we ever have another child, I have this wild idea of getting makeovers all the time and working out every day so I don't look like the ...well anyway. You look great..lets just leave it at that.
Must have been a bittersweet football game for you today! I was thinking about yall and hope you had a great time watching it.
Hey, I don't mind sharing the name with you. That would be cute to have Britt have two nephews with the same name. It sounds good with your boys' names already. (I didn't mention the "name" in case you haven't disclosed it...)
I hope your husband hasn't jumped off a ledge yet ofter the BYU game. I also hope that he isn't being an obnoxious UW fan claiming that the refs "gave" BYU the game. The refs didn't block the kick! Hope all is well- Later
Yes, I am being an obnoxious UW fan, that call was BS and had no business being called, ther was no inten to show up an opponent, the ball was not spiked at the feet of a BYU player or there was no throat slash to the BYU bench, That call should not have been made at that point in the game considering the context/point in the game. The call was irresponsible to both teams as it will leave in doubt the outcome of the game. the media thinks the call was a complete Joke, as does the whole nation with the exception of Utah and all sanctimonious BYU fans who claim " rules are rules...neener, neener!" when 1)if the call had gone against BYU theyd all cry conspiracy, etc... or 2) if the call never took place nobody would've complained about the celebration that ensued because it wasnt anything excessive or inflammatory to begin with. Crap call, crap result. to bad we all got robbed of a great game. UW may have won, BYU may have one we were robbed of a legit result. And now BYU's so called "win" is tainted and not viewed with any credibility nationally as the drop in the polls suggest. That and they're just not as good as their ranking would suggest, certainly not BCS...they basically got beaten by a one legged QB, and a bunch of true freshmen, and a Ty Willingham coached team...Be glad Jake Locker wasn't healthy BYU fans or you wouldn't have even been in the game. Good Luck in your JV conference! BTW '84 was a farce too! HTH:) GO DAWGS!
looks like you guys had a GREAT time at seabrook!
ANYWHOOO, what is seabrooke? I have never heard of it, I am so outta the washington "know" it looks beautiful! And you are looking good in all your prego glory, isn't it glorious to be pregnant and almost DONE!
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