Huey typically demands blue everything in the kitchen from utensils to food; guess I shouldn't have been surprised when he frosted himself accordingly:) My lil' smurf...
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Little Boy Blue
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
3:02 AM
Hip Hop 'Til You Drop
...Or your momma makes you stop:) All good things must come an end, but 20 kindergarteners had 2 hours together to step up n' celebrate #6 for Daner Dogg! I have such anxiety prior to these functions (key syllable should be "fun"), but can survive for my middle son eh? N better yet, live to tell about it:)Using Wii for our battlefield above...don't worry if Dane was really planning on dividing into crews & making his buddies battle for reals on the dance floor?! Told him that wasn't really conducive to lighthearted party but needless to say, he was disappointed that only encouraged freestyle in the beginning while party guests arrived!
Of course, since majority of attendees were boys, football had to be opened & fully taken advantage of-Classic musical chairs was major part o' the first hour too!
Aunt Cait was an awesome DJ-Not a party without her:) Nor would the boys have had lunch prior to the party...
Dane thought it was important for all to design his/her own CD cover as well--
Yet to figure out the best way to open presents amidst the chaos...
We also had some blatant ignorers of the downstairs rule who found boys' toys & brought 'em on down to party with us! Such generous friends and fun gifts though:) Thanks on his behalf!! Cake was still bit sad, but @ least resembled jammie pants' motif & tasted good too if do say so myself--
Never mind the disco dancer pinata...hip hoppers wear bling n' sunglasses too! Better than a disco ball or just "wild guitar" for this purpose--
In fact, everyone left with some shades to accessorize their moves--Noggin Bops were prizes and all got their own CD of Dane's fav songs as well! Poor Dad was on that detail & literally took whole party to burn 'em:/ Sacrifice for our B-boy:)
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
2:56 AM
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Look Fast!
For being so anti-FB, I certainly have more that should be tweeted or posted on a wall of that nature vs devoting whole blog post but fwiw that blur you see is my husband in pj pants complete with a fabulous big BYU logo. I have my in-laws to thank for this moment frozen in time & believe me, I'm grateful:) He thought he got outta the deal when he forwarded his medium pair to me @ Christmas, but little did he know that another pair would grace Dane's b-day gift:) May be a bit fuzzy but had to be documented before he's back to strictly purple allegiance...
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
2:39 AM
Sound Familiar?
Can't say I've seen much more of this show to endorse its regular content, but this particular clip could be any one of my sons @ any given moment of the day:)
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
2:39 AM
The Chosen One
Have to dedicate this post to my firstborn son...Sometimes he acts too cool for school as shown below (guess we should be grateful for the wave in this one:)
However, he was chosen again by his 2nd grade teacher as a Terrific Kid @ Zeiger Elementary & honored @ an assembly last Friday--It's a fun surprise to the recipients who don't find out until that morning even by well-meaning dad who wanted him to look sharp but allowed the casual tribute to our Seahawks to remain emblazoned on his shirt:)
This month's honorees focused on R-E-S-P-E-C-T! His teacher, Mrs Dilworth, who has been a great choice for us, actually chose him & got to announce each child from her class-
LtoR: Carson, Cole, Christian, Mackenzie and Sophia (coincidentally have been in same class since kindergarten). Let us not forget Payton (cutie patootie who is in same class, but sat further down the row:) Our neighbor Matthew was also member of this month's elite, but is behind her & on the opposite edge:
Mom cut it a little close as usual-who expects traffic from work @ noon even on Friday? But even his fans who made it early missed the typical red carpet tx this year?! We still took a pic of him walking out with his special hall pass to the reception they had before returning to schoolwork-So proud of him, plus it's been a great reminder for him to maintain that quality outside of classroom:) Whenever being respectful is in question, we just say "Hmmm, didn't you just get an award for that?" :) To Grandpa Gar, Grandma Neecy & Aunt Cait: Thanks for coming out to support Coley!! He gets a little bent out of shape lately with attention toward his brothers detracting from his one-on-one time, but they adore him! He has truly set the bar high for my Parker boys to follow & we love him so-oo much!!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
2:38 AM
BBall 101
Cole & Dane just started their basketball season c/o Puyallup Parks & Rec League--So far it's been worth every cent for the exercise as well as the exposure to a new sport to actually play vs just watching others in action!
For the record, we aren't buying 'em bball shoes until we know it's a sport that's gonna maintain their interest for more than first season. Those cool belts are not a fashion statement nor are they for Red Rover during halftime; they actually help the players to keep track of who they are guarding on defense NOT to be confused with offense:)
Only time I will cheer for the Lakers:)Cole brings the Heat too:)
These sweet glasses are from Uncle Rich...If they helped his daughter play D1 basketball, then perhaps would be good drill to try! We may not have cheered for the Cornhuskers a couple times on the football field, but on the court we always say GO Linds! M#00RE & had fun watching her last weekend on TV:)
Luke prefers to play football on sidelines:) He gets a lil' confused between sports not to mention that chillin' on sidelines for 2 games each Sat let alone practices are real treat with a 2 y.o. He has a few years to watch n' learn before it's his turn?!
While dribbling is a work in progress not to mention shooting, both boys are already awesome defenders!!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
2:38 AM
Sick Sixth
So yesterday was Dane-o's 6th birthday & for the first time that I can recall of any b-day or holiday for that matter, our celebration was pretty mellow. The reason being was a call from childcare the evening beforehand reporting an upheaval in the gym:/ So this would be how it began:He still woke up before Cole left to school to open his fun present from Grandpa & Grandma Parker -made me laugh that he was treating like Christmas since he definitely got up earlier than that day:) Great Grandma Lou remembered & sent gift card too right on time!
His illness ended up being kind of a false alarm, but better safe than sorry--Don't get me wrong! I was grateful that his condition didn't worsen beyond vomiting just once-Plus no fever whole time so once he kept breakfast down, we borrowed Wii equipment anyway to try & make it fun with a preview to his hip hop theme & rough draft of refreshment:Instead of 25 friends we'd invited since an even year, these were his party guests:)
Daner thoroughly enjoyed having neither kindergarten nor childcare! Grandma Neecy n' Aunt Cait brought slurpees & doughnuts that afternoon to celebrate too:) Cait always makes b-days special, so she gave him a sweet card n' balloon all by herself & kept checking how he was feeling:) He felt cured enough by evening to meet dad n' Grandpa Gar for dinner @ The Rock pizza as seems to be tradition!
It was a tasty gift for the whole fam:) Then we cruised over to Game Stop to pick up a new DS game that provided entertainment for rest o' evening (not long on school night); photo credit courtesy of Luke:)
Stay tuned for pics of Step Up 6 even if it is bit belated...Gotta be healthy to be in dancing mood & we will before the month is over! Hey if anyone knows where I can enroll b-day boy in real hip hop class before his 7th b-day, please let me know:)
PS Let's be honest-how sick does he look here?Thanks Abe for early present:) Santa considered it, but you are a very generous friend & especially love the emphasis on safety c/o trusty pads although let it be known that Dane doesn't think skateboarding requires any practice?!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
1:24 AM