Sunday, November 28, 2010

O Holy Night Preview

Not even December yet, but decided it was a good Sunday evening activity to break out the Christmas decor so we could max the value & get over Seahawks' loss not to mention the right Cougars:) Love that my boys' fav part is setting up the Nativities; prob said that last year, but makes me smile every time!
Plenty o' distracted moments n' rough-housing to go along with it considering they are boys & this was round 2 since tried to help my parents with the same earlier this weekend, but tough to multi-task during close football games?! Dawgs' win was the saving grace to an otherwise sad Saturday--Realized that bit removed from high school scene so not as invested in the Viks as in years past, but coming up on college bowls to make our days merrier:) I believe...there's life after football:)


The Bergesons said...

So sweet! I love that last pic! I wanna get that little people one for Ben! Can't wait to see you all in a mo... Love, baby bun's mom

Laura Call said...

Very sweet!

I sure do miss you.

BMSHAW said...

i cant wait to be home with you guys! i love you!

Washington Hills said...

I've been wanting to get that Little People nativity for four years...and do I ever buy it? Nope.

My kids are constantly rearranging our nativities so that each member of the group is facing the Baby Jesus. It's very sweet. Kinda wish they would touch my porcelain set, though. But that's the mom's fault for putting it where they can reach it!

Uffens Family said...

Love this time of year, your adorable boys, and your Willow Tree nativity set (mine is scary)...Love you!