Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Keep on Fallin'

This is truly how my camera found 'em not just slave son labor?! Pretty sure they originally thought they would earn some kind of money outta the deal, but encouraged Cole to just count it toward merit badge or something as comm service:)
This is near the entrance to the neighborhood & was sweet to see them so industrious on their own-never mind that mom usually has to finish their projects but hey! Can't complain on a midweek day off that was actually sunny in the Great NoWest! They weren't nearly as eager to capture the moment digitally as I, but had to be done since they will be so much older & wiser next fall:)
Some of the leaves were half Huey's size?!


The Bergesons said...

These are so cute! I love them and works out so nice that their color for the day looks so Fall-ish:) cute pics and what sweet that they were looking for personal fundraising...they are always thinking haha :) Britt

Washington Hills said...

That is my kids' kind of day!