Must admit I was quite impressed with the ward carnival this year:)
Started off with a (cup)cake walk hosted by Bishop Williams in an inflatable sumo costume...should've gotten pic of that not to mention the creative monster & skeleton cupcakes that put mine from earlier post to shame!
Also went through wall-to-wall (& almost to ceiling) box maze set up in the Nursery that might've actually come in handy on Sunday:) On second thought, Huey is still recovering from scare by a few porches we encountered-ugh!
The gym was filled with other games too--Older boys pictured here with Mario the Missionary (other elder was Phantom of the Opera?!:)Cole was victorious in the ping pong game so he is proud new owner of goldfish that bears the same name in addition to getting jumpstart on candy stash...Not a moment too soon 'cuz we lost Rocky the Beta earlier in the week:/ Wasn't really overjoyed @ the prospects of yet another pet on our kitchen counter, but how can you say no to that face?
Cait the Homecoming Queen (notice her pretty eyes compliments of Sephora pre-party) & I thoroughly enjoyed decorating HOMEMADE doughnuts...
Luke really wanted to be this giraffe circa 2002 (yes, it's 3-6 mos size folks)
But we finally convinced him that Megatron was awesome & apparently very Cinderella-esque:) Swear it was his idea!
Here they are all together before they hit the neighborhood for the real deal--
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
The boys and Cait look awesome! What a fun ward party complete with fish prizes! Lucky you :) Nice of Luke to be on clean up :)
What an intimidating bunch:) Roll Out Parker Boys! Princess Cait looks fancy too! Looks like such a fun night! Happy Halloween!
That last picture is classic!!!
So, what did Cole name his fish?
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