Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dessert before Dinner:)

So I wanted to check out Theo Chocolate Factory over the summer, but their tours were booked out when I called to make reservations spontaneously in August...so actually made some plans in advance for a good monday that required a sweet adventure! Made it on time (believe it or not!) to the 4PM start in Freemont neighborhood o' Seattle--Sorry to say I didn't brief my boys (although would've been more comfortable if wearing 'em) that it would be smokin' hot inside the chocolate factory, kinda boring and dominated by dark chocolate samples, for which they have yet to develop a taste:/ Apparently,they could care less if it's healthier & have to admit not my fav either despite being told that it tastes better if higher quality?! Hmmm...Surprisingly Luke did keep his fancy hair net on once he saw we all had to wear it:) Don't let 'em fool you; they weren't amused that I insisted on taking their picture in agony--mean mom who plans field trips that require hour of driving & don't hold our interest upon arrival-ugh! Visiting the troll again under the bridge somewhat redeemed the outing; Aunt Cait had never met him but seeing is believing:) Quick stop when I realized that didn't really want 'em climbing all over dirty area before dinner @ Mac Grill--had to take advantage of being only 2 exits away from my fav restaurant even though t'was tempting to try one of the local places ie Tutti Bella! Fun area & proof that we need to get out more often:)


The Bergesons said...

You failed to mention that this celebration-worthy monday was your birthday and I so wish I could have been there to celebrate with you! I love you to the moon at back! You deserve to be celebrated on the 27th and every other day and Im glad your boys humored you at choc factory! britty

Uffens Family said...

Wish I could have been there to celebrate you!! AND eat chocolate and Mac Grill...that picture of you eating the bread made me salivate...a lot. mmmmmm....
I understand the boys disappointment in dark chocolate...not sure why they even make it?? :) Love you!!!

BMSHAW said...

wish it could have been a family outing :/ and we all could have celebrated you on your birthday! your amazing becca and you look beautiful! i love the first pic of luke in the background haha jake and i both started laughing in class :/ love you!

Baker said...

My sister was just telling me about the troll! I can't believe I've lived here for so long and never even heard of him. I will have to see to believe too! What a great field trip!! I may have to copy it (and likely get the same looks from my girls) ;)

Washington Hills said...

Love the pictures. My boys totally want to know more about the troll, too.

And, FYI, applesaucing with you last year was so much more fun than this year alone. I understand, sniff sniff, just thought I'd share, wink.