In true WA fashion, we braved the elements & brought the boys to the fair twice weather permitting...or not?! Dad had 'em on Purple Friday, so he got to witness his first parade although I heard it was bez stampede OR maybe they just missed it; it is pretty snappy:) Notice the Dr Pepper=always essential ingredient to any outing with dad n' his bravery for releasing the youngest, but how cute that his bro isn't letting him get trampled!Then they headed through the gates for free admission etc all afternoon & only 20 min of rain did they get so lucky? Dad was quite proud that they only spent $5 total! So was I! Still had a lot o' fun makin' the rounds--
Of course, they always wanna check out the Lego display even though they decided they weren't inspired enough to enter the building contest this year.
Next up the drum set composed of odds n' ends, but doesn't really matter when you've got rhythm like the Parker boys!
Apparently SpongeBob was a must-see, but I personally would've preferred the Backyardigans-too bad they aren't there this year until the last weekend & we won't be going back just for that esp when we see @ least one episode per day @ home for free?! Luke doesn't look too sure about him either, but I can guarantee he waved good-bye since that's his pattern with any mascot or character these days:)
Dad was smart to remember the outdoor area is more exciting on the weekends with fishing area, snowshoes n' shooting (poor paper wabbit!) so I'm glad they took advantage or else boys would've missed out on this tradition too:
Can't do the Puyallup without a lil' fake milkage:
Apparently the cash went toward more baseball practice-
My turn next on actual fair day...the soggiest to date! I decided I have a love/hate relationship with the Puyallup Fair 'cuz my boys get a crazy case of the "gimmes" n' I just want to skip it all while they're pointing in diff directions & it all costs more money?! Hmmm...The FM Pre-Fair Pack doesn't quite cut it for all 3 boys, so we invested in a "fun card" too & Aunt Cait shared hers as well-So they got in a few games & 5 rides apiece for older boys.
They did a couple (still content in Sillyville though prob last year now that they've been exposed to greater wonders @ Disneyland & are nearing the height restriction) while Luke napped. Then we all waited out the downpour through 3 shows: High Divers, Steve the Pretty Good (comedy n' magic) & Jest in Time Circus (latter of which chose Cole as volunteer to juggle around:)Cotton candy made the wait a lil' sweeter as did the elephant ear that preceded it...
Thanks to Aunt Cait, we shared some nachos too! Ps I seriously think I could buy food @ every booth, but convinced the boys that Lil' Caesars was worth the wait en route home-Don't worry if it was 8:30PM:) $5.47 total for dinner incl crazy bread 'cuz the pizza wasn't so hot n' ready as advertised!!
After that we browsed through petting zoo & barns of a few animals (love the draft horses esp Clydesdales despite seeing mostly their rears in stalls?! & I always have to go to Pig Palace:). Love this pic, but thought it was interesting that the chicks were only things Luke would go near: Then right back out in the drizzle (figured we were wet already & the stroller was dripping!) so Luke could have his first go on a couple rides. First with brothers...too bad they were so heavy they couldn't maneuver their plane up n' down?! Oh well! The boys did a surefire strength test & beat upon each other with plastic hammers rest o' time-didn't get a pic of their lame, I mean awesome, stuffed animals to add to the thousand already @ our house:)Cool to catch Dane's midair, but prob didn't do their battle justice...should've seen looks I was getting from people as I just let 'em @ it-def realizing I'm a mother of all boys!
Then Luke bonded with a couple other monkeys & an alligator! He loves that song, so we thought it was appropriate choice-
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
you made it look fun and, even in the rain, made me miss "doin the puyallup":) Love you & the boys! britty
Food is my favorite part of the fair-should I admit that???...I want an elephant ear right now :) Even with the rain the boys looked super happy and content!! I wish we could bring some of that rain our way...ugh!
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