Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sky High...In More Ways Than One

It was such a beautiful Saturday that we played indoors:) Actually we made sure to fit in a picnic, the playground and fun @ Newcastle Beach Park first...

Then we had reservations @ Sky High Sports in Bellevue. Pics aren't that great of the latter, but we had a good time on the wall-to-wall trampolines...

foam pit

& even tried dodgeball--Dane was one o' the last men standing during our round:)

Good workout for all of us! Figured it was only gonna get warmer with summer right around the corner so should check it out'd never know by the clouds today but we can feel it coming any day now!

1 comment:

Uffens Family said...

Those places are a blast! We went and paid for an hour...took the girls about 35 minutes to warm up to the idea and go crazy :) Hope the sun comes out up there! I would give you some of ours :)