Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Spreadin' Some Love

Completely unrelated events but blog-worthy:)
First, we were able to enjoy my nephew Ben's blessing this past Super Sunday!

The boys & I thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with my bro-in-law's side o' the family too:)

Secondly since Weds are half days for my first grader, we got together with friends & frosted some Valentines since rain vetoed the park opt! Fig we'd keep tradition since designing gingerbread houses anyway! Glad Tara saved the day with her camera not to mention having actual cookies baked & frosting ready for action...Must say that the Red Hots were tasty topping selection & you gotta have conversation hearts avail! Passed up on some heart mallows that will def be incl next time but "pintles" (aka sprinkles per Dane) always dominate anyway:)

1 comment:

Washington Hills said...

Can't believe I haven't commented yet, sorry! How great is that "boy cousin" picture at the top? Perfect. So glad you have that. I love how your family takes so many pictures. I've always struggled with that. Please tell your Brittany that she looks great! (You never feel like you do after a little one, but she does! Go Brittany!)

Love your family, Beck.