Now that I will be working full-time in Tacoma/Gig Harbor, might need some extra help around the house in Puyallup--Only thing I'm confident about right now is my lack of ability to maint order amidst the clutter that seemingly appears in every room I just straightened?! No worries! I haven't even had to look beyond my 16 mo. old:)
He hearts utensils & can occupy himself for quite a while with one in hand... He is esp partial to spatulas and you should've seen his eyes light up when I pulled out 4 @ one time!
Then he got to use one for real on last night's pancakes for dinner (not ashamed of my lack o' skills in the kitchen-my boys are still thriving:)
Seriously he will carry 'em around with him like a blanket/stuffed animal-even to car or during naps?! Grandpa Gar & a couple pre-dent uncles will be proud to know he enjoys a good toothbrush whenever he spots one or two as seen here while leisurely watching a movie with other Parker boys!
He takes after Cole with an early affinity toward the vacuum as well...Notice I've tried to keep lighter attachment on so his grunting noises while lifting are subdued! Good workout for me too since he likes me to carry him while I do it myself:)
Last but not least, he's always ready & willing to assist with loading or unloading of dishwasher...Tough to refrain from sharp obj & lately he really wants to climb into it (as seen in Yakima post), but we don't encourage either:/
*Not pictured were his efforts to move clothes from washer to dryer this am?! He's a keeper!
Unfortunately, while he cannot be blamed for using the scissors on himself (we do have limits to child labor laws & safety guidelines:), he has parted unintentionally with his curls this week:( We were kinda @ a loss for how to tame the business on top while keeping the party in the back?! Let's hope they return just like his cleaning fetishes!
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
He is a busy boy! I am glad he likes to clean and cook...that could really come in handy! I have given up on is destroyed seconds after and causes much frustration!!! I need Luke to teach Paige (the holy terror) a thing or two!!! See you in a week!!!!
Heard boys are pretty stoked about princess lunch :)
LOVE the picture at the end! This is a good size of baby - when you can open the Tupperware drawer and it's Christmas morning!
Where are you working?!?!? Excited to cheer you on and hear the gameplan.
If he likes vacuums, tell his Grandma Neecy that ToysRUs sell this Hoover look-alike that SOUNDS like a real vacuum, too. So great! I'm confident Tyler thinks his vacuum is real. He'll follow me around the house, smile.
so cute:) i love him! such a helper! you forgot to mention his sensitive side too like rushing to comfort me when crying yesterday or assisting wiith the baby:)
Love the bubble bath picture! Heck, if he likes the vaccuum put the boy to work. I laughed so hard at your comment on my blog. I had totally forgotten about the "Hot, Hot" Poem. I remember it word for word. Such fun memories. I swear I was so burned the time I made that poem up. It was so true! Love you guys.
Beckie!!! It's been way too long and I take full blame for that! Luke is getting TOO big... what a cutie, love the bubble bath pic! We really need to get in touch. I miss you! Expect a call soon...
what a great helper he is! so, so cute too! Have fun at dland!!
Becca! I just finally got through comments on our blog and noticed the one from you. What a small world. At first I asked my wife who you were and then I read your comment and remembered! What cute boys you have. Looks like neither of us have figured out the girl trick yet. Great to hear from you. God bless.
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