Most people know that I'm not a big fan o' Sci Fi or Fantasy, making Star Wars something I can take or leave not to mention Twilight, Lord of Rings, Harry Potter etc. (I know some o' those don't exactly fit into the same categ, but same diff to me:) Anyway, I politely declined my mother-in-law's offer of all Chris' old-school Star Wars toys way back when Cole was about 1 y.o, thinking "oh, my son will never be into that stuff:)" Fast forward 6 yrs later & he totally is-not obsessed as he likes his share of other boy toys, but guess all males are drawn to light sabers & such.
So I found a good combo of educational science proj with purpose (not like that is my fav either, but something I've also gotta come to grips with if I go back to nursing school:) & Star Wars @ the toy store & the boys rec'd 2 of 'em for Christmas. Today we tried out the Mustafar (don't ask me where/what that is) Volcano Lab 'cuz any eruption is cool too according to boys, eh? I thought I had all the ingredients, but apparently lacking some club soda & antacid tablets for the best lava flow:) Too bad it was pretty lame even once we did have that 88 cent generic bottle & borrowed Tums for the experiment that apparently req "parental supervision"?! Really disappointing 'cuz I think Luke could've pulled it off with the force, of course (had to get that in there:) Seriously not much beyond what you see in pic drizzling down slope...
Gotta admit I called the manufacturer (yes I know, nerd alert!) to complain & proceeded to return to the store with their blessing. Dane chose G-Force PDA aka walkie-talkies instead & I found another volcano set from Borders sale that was 1/3 price for the same total...Yesterday we proceeded to make latter from scratch 'cuz that automatically makes it cooler eh?
The preparation was only supposed to take 20 min., but fwiw more like 24 hrs to harden our crater.Then we painted for realistic effect...Dane said he wanted to act like it was gonna blow @ any min in the second pic:)
Older two boys took a turn as mad scientists; Cole actually looks like Simon from the Chipmunks:)
We definitely got our money's worth with this one although still not full-blown eruption the boys had hoped...Had a little more umph to it! And then they were content again with their ongoing dirt holes, currently occupied by dinosaurs. So they managed to get Jurassic Park onto the scene as well (another male classic that I can honestly say I haven't watched from start to finish & still sleep quite soundly:)
Can't leave out the youngest, so re-cap for Luke was that he was happy to be included first time around but really he doesn't care what he's doing as long as he can just be outside with his bros!
The Parker boys are also excited to raise leopard frogs in the Dagobah Frog Habitat. But I had to order the tadpoles & it takes 3-6 wks to receive 'em in the mail; yep, should've thought o' that back when I, I mean when I heard Ms Claus, bought the set @ beg of Dec. We'll keep you posted on latter.
Oh well! Might as well have a purpose; I do better with that kind of activity vs the kind that req imagination, of which I'm greatly lacking among other motherly qualities. Just don't expect me to watch the aforementioned movies anytime soon. I'm proud o' fact that I've gone 33 yrs without 'em & have survived just fine even in my house o' boys:)
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
1 comment:
My kids are currently looking at the pictures of the volcanoes and drooling!
FYI, we did the frog habitat last summer. VERY fun. Enjoy it! And it's pretty low-maintenance, which is wonderful!
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