Sunday, October 12, 2008

Using the Force...with a little help from Mother Nature & Pitocin:)

First of all, only a mother of boys would nest like this & I seriously finished assembly with hours to spare; also managed to clean carpets & weed front entrance to subdivision 'cuz I'm OCD like that (not a good combo with nesting!): Secondly, couldn't help the Star Wars reference to announce that Luke Houston Parker is here!:)Sorry for the delay-Induced on Fri. 10/10 @ 12:45P so missed my target time by half hour:) I wanted to have him @ 1:10P 'cuz Cole arrived @ 3:30-granted it was AM-but he was followed by Dane @ 2:20P, so ya gotta love a good pattern:) oh well! Here's the re-cap:
Since I'm not a morning person, I was thrilled with extra hour the hospital gave us before we checked in & we took a lil' more time 'cuz I thought a Jamba juice would calm my nerves:) & be the "light breakfast" per their recomm. Dr. Nickel was @ hospital for another delivery, so broke my water first (about 9:30A). I was given pitocin an hour later & told that he had a surgical procedure @ noon. This was very much a mental labor for me third time around & I was determined to wait for him, but sure enough felt like I needed to push right as the clock struck that hour! ugh! I made 'em turn down the level in hopes to slow it enough for him to make it! I was more than ready to push @ 12:30P right when he ran through the door & out came the baby! My mom and dear husband were fabulous doulas and photographers:)

"Luke, I Am Your Father!"
Notice Chris conceded on the name, but don't be surprised if he still calls him Houston or even Huey:). His big bros could hardly wait to be done with Primary activity and preschool respectively before Grandpa Gar brought 'em down to the hospital! Don't worry if Dane's shirt was a bit snug 'cuz Cole wore it a year sooner:)Cole acted like it was Christmas morning:) He was very chatty & observant, asking about everything including why his hands were foggy?! Since I know you'll miss the weekly BabyCenter update, he was referring to one more interesting part o' fetal development that I learned: In addition to the fact that it takes a while for the blood to flow out to extremities and pink him up naturally, he was covered in vernix, a Desitin-looking substance 'cuz he made his appearance sooner than later-You could tell Dane, on the other hand, was proud although he didn't say much besides being kind enough to offer his baby brother some chocolate from the celebratory Krispy Kreme doughnuts in the delivery room:) Luke surprised us all even after recent ultrasounds by weighing 7 lbs. 14 oz. I thought he'd be smaller considering he was two weeks early! We were a little concerned about his activity level in the womb & he didn't disappoint us on his first night by only sleeping about an hour before 5A:( with an occasional cat-nap in meantime?! Thankfully he's caught up on some zzz's so we could too in last 24 hrs. We think he looks most like Cole, but a pound less @ birth. Little did we know that Chris' features were so dominant but I think they're all pretty handsome Parker boys myself!!

Here we are before we got to leave with traditional photo shoot...We hurried a bit 'cuz the power was out @ hospital all Sat. So much for recovering leisurely with a.m. o' college football and a shower not to mention blow-drying my hair before concluding my luxurious stay:)

Contemplating whether or not we should keep him 'cuz it was so comfy with just 2 & they're already buddies plus mom is outta baby mode! Too late now, eh?:)

Thanks to all well-wishers & chefs via phone, e-mail & in person! We feel so blessed to have such great family & friends as well as our third healthy boy safe & sound @ home! My mom said her biggest challenge during my labor was keeping up with my sisters' text msgs. so they could track the progress long-distance & greet their newest nephew!:) Our porch was even decorated when we brought him home yesterday afternoon:) by a mystery fairy! Please let me know if you can help me solve the case & thank her myself!?! Luke was pleased to meet his WA grandparents, my friend Melissa (Williams) Oswald from high school and good Puyallup friends Kanekoas @ the hospital (sorry that had to be part of your date Kasey:)). Then his 2nd cousin Cru who is 6 mos. older & other good Puyallup friends Hills & Paivi Flannery were part of his homecoming on Sat. afternoon. I'm kicking myself that we didn't get pics. with his first guests-ugh! But you can rest assured we have enough other pics. so far that we won't feel left out as third child:)
We truly have been showered with gifts, food (thanks to my parents, Chris's cousin Chad & wife Kyla & Chris' sis Amy), flowers (from Chris' parents who have to wait until after Thanksgiving to meet him up close & personal), visits & care from all of you not to mention the many offers to help in coming adjustment...We want you to know you are loved in return & we are grateful for your support even though we were kind of hermits this weekend.
The real test will be braving the weekdays ahead that have a lil' more of a routine! If tonight is any indication, my Gymbucks were redeemed online @ last possible minute, all 3 boys are finally asleep in bed, Chris is satisfied with his computer time re: fantasy football but of course, now that I have a minute to myself instead of happily catching up on the blog I just want to go to sleep while I can 'cuz I skipped a nap this afternoon...Guess the night-owl mind is willing but the flesh is weak; thus multi-tasking is proving to be a bit tough with my eyes half-closed?!
Enjoy these pics & I guess I'll have to add more later when the thought of a slide show doesn't overwhelm me:) Plus now, my newborn is calling my name:) 'cuz as I mentioned, he's nocturnal!


Libby said...

congratulations!! he is adorable! i am sure you are pretty happy he came 2wks early considering his birth weight! good luck with the new adjustments! oh and i have heard amazing things about Dr. Nickel :)! glad he made it!

Anonymous said...

What a fun "birth story"!! Your kids, all 3 -are just beautiful :)
I have to say tho..I have never seen a chica look so UN-PREGNANT right after having a baby!! (grrrr..) Congratulations!!

Audra said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful and you, my dear, look awesome!

Uffens Family said...

Seriously..your leaving the hospital would not look like you just had a baby unless you were holding him...ugh! I love you, just a tad jealous! He is absolutely perfect!!!! I can't wait to meet him...hard to be far away! Wish he could have pulled some strings and have Paige come a little early too....although might have stressed mom out :)

The Bergesons said...

so cute!I hope mom texting didnt keep her away from you--i know she was trying to do both but we just could not stand not being there! i am stressing about making my personalized onsies just perfect...but ill just have to make more when the more funny/clever ideas come to mind conveniently as I send Cait on her way with the first batch...better start thinking earlier for Paigey! He is so handsome and I cant wait to meet him at Thanksgiving! Britty

The Bergesons said...

pics are so cute and you look great! I love all of your coordinating outfits in brown and green:)

Kyle and Megan said...

Congratulations! He is so cute.

McCray Family said...

WOW! How awesome that you had Luke on the date you wanted! Only you could look that fabulous after having a baby too, its amazing! Let me know if I can bring you dinner or help out in any way! I am so excited for you!

Kim said...


Tiffany said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
alicia said...

Becky you're amazing! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to get back in town. Please let me know how we can help, seriously! Even if that means sitting at your home for an hour or two so you can go take a nap!

The Becks said...

Congratulations! I just got the biggest giggles reading the first part of your blog about your nesting. I was telling Ginger about it and we were both cracking up. Then once again, I was laughing at "Luke, I am your father!" So funny. He is such a doll. You all look so genuinely happy together. I have to add as well... did you just have a baby? Hard to tell. You look so great. Loves and kisses from Idaho.

Unknown said...

beck you look awesome.. can i look like that right when my baby comes out..i agree with rach, you can't even tell you just had one! but congrats. i was so happy to hear luke was here. i can't wait to meet him! even if it will be when he's almost a year.. better late than never right?! you guys all look great and hope all is well in the parker household! love you!

daegan said...

congrats! you look AWESOME btw... super beautiful as always. a little jealousy is roaming... i look like i had been thrown in a washing machine and then dried in dryer after giving birth. my boys take everything that i have to give. i'm so happy for you! he's a handsome guy!

Washington Hills said...

I didn't know the texting part of the delivery. That is cracking me up! Love the picture of Dane offering chocolate. Gotta love that Daners. Maybe he is more in tune with Luke than the rest of us...perhaps Luke is a sugarhead, and only Dane is close enough to the Spirit to recognize it.

You done good, Beck! That sweet baby is absolutely fantastic.

Molly W. said...

Congratulations Beckie and Chris! He is a beautiful boy and looks all Parker to me! Hope you get some sleep! (and Beckie, you do not at all look like you just had a baby, no fair!!)

The Bode Family said...

Another darling boy! I hope I look like you when I leave the hospital in a few months! I may need some boy advice then too! Congrats to you all!

Kjrsten said...

YAY for #3! Keep the pictures of him coming!!!!
How are you doing...? handling it all... sleeping much? Congrats to you both, I love the name LUKE, lots!
Good thing he looks like Chris otherwise I would be seriously doubting that he belongs to you guys since you DONT AT ALL LOOK LIKE YOU JUST HAD A BABY in the going home photos! that must be the benefits of running so much while preggers! ENJOY him and all his newness, and don't ever stop taking his photos (coming from a #3 child with no baby photos!) :)! much love to you both!

Laura Call said...

GREAT seeing you guys last night! Luke is super handsome and sooo cozy to hold... didn't want to give him up! I'm sorry my kids were so wound up and CA-RAY-ZY! I honestly think they were so overjoyed to see your boys because it had been so long... it put them in hyper mode! Needless to say, they had a great time. Thanks for letting us take up your whole evening, it was nice spending some time with your fam! Congratulations again!!

P.S. Back to our conversation about when you're nursing and the boys are all around you or all over you... I was thinking about things I did to try and eliminate chaos when I was nursing. I had the kids pick out a few books when it was time for the baby to nurse. It became routine for the kids to snuggle up on either side of me while I fed the baby and I would read them books during feeding time. This worked so well and I loved it!! I felt like I was spending quiet time with the older two instead of them off being up to no good or in front of the TV. And they loved it because I was giving them my undivided attention even though I was feeding the baby. I'm sure you'll come up with something that works well for you and your boys once you get into a routine, but thought I'd share if you want to give this a try.

Joanna said...

Congrats to the Parker family. I love the name Luke. I can't believe you found time to write so much on your blog. I haven't even written on mine for over three weeks. Isn't it just so much fun compared to scrapbooking. You look great! I couldn't even tell you'd had a baby from the photos.
We miss you guys.

Michelle said...

Congratulations... your new baby boy is adorable! So, are you going to the Husky game tomorrow =)

Jax said...

I am trying not to let the ugly green jealousy monster come out... seriously... you looked like you were never pregnant once much less three times and just walking out of the hospital with the last one (whose name I LOVE!!) I am still working off my "baby" weight and my last ones were adopted!
Congratulations to you and your adorable family.

tarat said...

I saw the exciting news on Lance and Brittany's blog, so I thought I better come check out the pics. Your baby is so beautiful! And you look great. Your family is growing so much. Good luck! I thought the transition to 3 was easier than the transition to 2. I hope that is true for you! Congrats again!


Yeah! Congrats Beckie and Chris and Cole and Dane. You do indeed look fabulous. I hope you get into the swing of your new life right quick.
I am duly impressed by all the Lego constructing you did. Were those re-creates? Those are challenging! You are a supermom!

sher said...

Yea, cant wait to see him. Im in China but, get home this week, glad to see mom and baby are well!!!

Anonymous said...

25 comments?? 26 must be doing something right! How's the baby these days?

The Stromberg Epic said...

Congratulations parkers. He is so cute and you are all such a cute family. Becky you look great!

Rachel Hudgins said...

Congratulations! He's perfect! You look amazing! I'm very excited for you.

Grace said...

Congratulations!!! What adorable 3 boys you have! We are so excited for you guys! We really need to get together soon!