This post will probably be a bit random but wanted to capture the essence of our baby's first weeks in action!:)
Luke has had a few dr. appts to make sure his kidney is okay but I forgot my camera every time so didn't even capture his new pediatrician or him in a hospital gown-oh well! In case you're wondering, he appears to be fine but we are still being referred to pediatric urologist who will be able to confirm all is well?! Has also managed to gain a lb. per week making him a whopping 9 lbs. 3 oz. as of 10/29. Plus he's already gone to the dentist's office (mostly to meet the staff & then bond with dad next door while big bro Cole & mom had appts).
On his first Sun. we decided to cheer on the Seahawks vs. going to church-priorities? oops!
But he did reverently attend Church the following Sun.- here's a pic. of my future missionaries for the record!Luke has learned how great a binkie, an occasional nap on his tummy & swaddling can be for him not to mention his parents' sanity (even tried a bottle & liked it much to his dad's satisfaction:)) He amazed us all by sleeping 8 hrs one night, but alas! has not repeated that trick although I will take the 6 hrs. he's given me on more than one occasion!
I swear he's tried to smile or just had a lot o' gas as even his ultrasonagraphers could attest internally?! but he hasn't seemed uncomfortable & didn't mess his pants for entire first weekend home (sorry for TMI-should've been thanking my lucky stars vs. complaining 'cuz he's since made up for it!!)
He has made it clear that he doesn't like baths or changing his clothes/diapers for that matter-
However he's had no choice but to model some of his cute new clothes & join in the color o' the day fetish courtesy of his OCD mom:)
Meanwhile he's become very acquainted with his big bros as well as their noise & coughs-ugh! In the pic with the new duck towel I will let you refer to 'em as huey, d(an)ewey, and (co)luey although the older two are pretty convinced they are superheroes (I thought I had to have girls to be into dress-up but these lil' guys are constantly in disguise & usually carrying a weapon these days?! not to mention fact that every game has some aspect of chase or wrestling involved)
He was featured as show and tell @ Dane's preschool:)on Purple Fri.He's been introduced to his Aunt Amy, Uncle Rich & cousins Erin & Lindsey (though we call the girls "aunts" half the time 'cuz they're closer to my sisters' ages:))
Of course we couldn't skip a week o' sad but true Husky football hence the delivery during a bye, so Luke visited Husky Stadium for the first time @ week old. I'm not gonna lie: we're hoping the dawgs' losing seasons will be a distant memory for him! Perhaps it'll just be like a bad dream since he slept through the entire game & only awakened momentarily to cry about the final score with exception of bonding with us on the bus ride home! His jersey onesie is one of a few designed by my sweet sister Britt & sent with love from UT:)
He also got to meet Aunt Brooke when she came back to WA for homecoming weekend-sorry I don't have a pic. of him with Cait 'cuz she's another adoring aunt!
Altogether he would probably tell you that he's spent a fair amount of time seeing the world from his car seat...
'cuz I can't stay home for long though I should by the looks of my house-ugh! I can now attest to the fact that a third child gets to just go along for the ride:) Not to fear, I make up for it with the amount of our quality bonding in the wee hours o' the a.m. when he gets plenty o' one-on-one attention!
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
Love the Lil' Husky pics! Carter has that same outfit (minus the custom designed jersey). We'll see you this Saturday, right =) Rain or shine.
Such a cute and perfectly dressed little guy.
I love these pics and cant wait to meet him at thanksgiving--thanks for posting and keeping me updated with so many cute pictures! I love you to the moon and back! britty
What a precious little guy- he definitely was born in the right guys look so PROUD of that tiny guy! I totally loved the Husky shots, by the way!
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