So I wanted to check out Theo Chocolate Factory over the summer, but their tours were booked out when I called to make reservations spontaneously in actually made some plans in advance for a good monday that required a sweet adventure! Made it on time (believe it or not!) to the 4PM start in Freemont neighborhood o' Seattle--Sorry to say I didn't brief my boys (although would've been more comfortable if wearing 'em) that it would be smokin' hot inside the chocolate factory, kinda boring and dominated by dark chocolate samples, for which they have yet to develop a taste:/ Apparently,they could care less if it's healthier & have to admit not my fav either despite being told that it tastes better if higher quality?! Hmmm...Surprisingly Luke did keep his fancy hair net on once he saw we all had to wear it:) Don't let 'em fool you; they weren't amused that I insisted on taking their picture in agony--mean mom who plans field trips that require hour of driving & don't hold our interest upon arrival-ugh!
Visiting the troll again under the bridge somewhat redeemed the outing; Aunt Cait had never met him but seeing is believing:)
Quick stop when I realized that didn't really want 'em climbing all over dirty area before dinner @ Mac Grill--
had to take advantage of being only 2 exits away from my fav restaurant even though t'was tempting to try one of the local places ie Tutti Bella! Fun area & proof that we need to get out more often:)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Dessert before Dinner:)
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
10:11 PM
Friday, September 17, 2010
Freeing our Glee...Rain or Shine?!
In true WA fashion, we braved the elements & brought the boys to the fair twice weather permitting...or not?! Dad had 'em on Purple Friday, so he got to witness his first parade although I heard it was bez stampede OR maybe they just missed it; it is pretty snappy:) Notice the Dr Pepper=always essential ingredient to any outing with dad n' his bravery for releasing the youngest, but how cute that his bro isn't letting him get trampled!Then they headed through the gates for free admission etc all afternoon & only 20 min of rain did they get so lucky? Dad was quite proud that they only spent $5 total! So was I! Still had a lot o' fun makin' the rounds--
Of course, they always wanna check out the Lego display even though they decided they weren't inspired enough to enter the building contest this year.
Next up the drum set composed of odds n' ends, but doesn't really matter when you've got rhythm like the Parker boys!
Apparently SpongeBob was a must-see, but I personally would've preferred the Backyardigans-too bad they aren't there this year until the last weekend & we won't be going back just for that esp when we see @ least one episode per day @ home for free?! Luke doesn't look too sure about him either, but I can guarantee he waved good-bye since that's his pattern with any mascot or character these days:)
Dad was smart to remember the outdoor area is more exciting on the weekends with fishing area, snowshoes n' shooting (poor paper wabbit!) so I'm glad they took advantage or else boys would've missed out on this tradition too:
Can't do the Puyallup without a lil' fake milkage:
Apparently the cash went toward more baseball practice-
My turn next on actual fair day...the soggiest to date! I decided I have a love/hate relationship with the Puyallup Fair 'cuz my boys get a crazy case of the "gimmes" n' I just want to skip it all while they're pointing in diff directions & it all costs more money?! Hmmm...The FM Pre-Fair Pack doesn't quite cut it for all 3 boys, so we invested in a "fun card" too & Aunt Cait shared hers as well-So they got in a few games & 5 rides apiece for older boys.
They did a couple (still content in Sillyville though prob last year now that they've been exposed to greater wonders @ Disneyland & are nearing the height restriction) while Luke napped. Then we all waited out the downpour through 3 shows: High Divers, Steve the Pretty Good (comedy n' magic) & Jest in Time Circus (latter of which chose Cole as volunteer to juggle around:)Cotton candy made the wait a lil' sweeter as did the elephant ear that preceded it...
Thanks to Aunt Cait, we shared some nachos too! Ps I seriously think I could buy food @ every booth, but convinced the boys that Lil' Caesars was worth the wait en route home-Don't worry if it was 8:30PM:) $5.47 total for dinner incl crazy bread 'cuz the pizza wasn't so hot n' ready as advertised!!
After that we browsed through petting zoo & barns of a few animals (love the draft horses esp Clydesdales despite seeing mostly their rears in stalls?! & I always have to go to Pig Palace:). Love this pic, but thought it was interesting that the chicks were only things Luke would go near: Then right back out in the drizzle (figured we were wet already & the stroller was dripping!) so Luke could have his first go on a couple rides. First with brothers...too bad they were so heavy they couldn't maneuver their plane up n' down?! Oh well! The boys did a surefire strength test & beat upon each other with plastic hammers rest o' time-didn't get a pic of their lame, I mean awesome, stuffed animals to add to the thousand already @ our house:)Cool to catch Dane's midair, but prob didn't do their battle justice...should've seen looks I was getting from people as I just let 'em @ it-def realizing I'm a mother of all boys!
Then Luke bonded with a couple other monkeys & an alligator! He loves that song, so we thought it was appropriate choice-
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
12:29 AM
Monday, September 6, 2010
Quarterback Weekend
Thanks to an early b-day present from mom & dad, the boys & I got to fly down to UT over Labor Day weekend. On the day before BYU's season opener vs UW, we cruised down to campus...Had to wait for Brooke & Jake to be done with work/class so of course, the boys wrestled on the Fieldhouse lawn until we spotted 'em coming down the stairs...
Then they picked a good spot for the personal tour to begin:) Never mind Luke's tantrum in the parking lot...or the airport...or...Here come the terrible 2's esp as we reduce binkie time! Anyway, how many kids get to pose with one of the starting QB in his position coach's "war room"? Fun to see the players targeted on the board and all that goes on behind-the-scenes to prep for a big game!
Wasn't his idea, but I wanted to take advantage of my own dad's name being featured on the wall of players who went on to NFL action! Then Dane checked out the new (to us @ least) indoor practice facility-Luke liked the lifesize pictures of players in the hall of football offices & growled like a cougar the rest of the afternoon...
I'm sure the following will get a mixed response, but I have to mention how cool it was to see a scripture outside the weight room, Bronco's choice of artwork outside his office and to attend the fireside night before gameday...only @ BYU!
We passed some time on gameday waiting for later kickoff by swinging in the yard of Brooke's new apt:) She has a really cool tree, so the boys were entertained for quite a while!
Once again my dad's connections were advantageous so we could get up close & personal with players during warm-ups for Jake's college debut!! Of course, it was mighty warm & past nap time so Luke elected to lie on the field instead:) For the record, our seats were the last to see the shade so he fell asleep @ the end of the 3rd quarter-ugh!
First official collegiate pass completion!!Maple bars are sweet treats anytime but esp in the form of a cougar tail:) Not to worry, we had plenty of liquid refreshment too while cheering on the home team--
T'was indeed quarterback weekend & they all came out to see the Tale of 2 Jakes (LtoR: Steve Young, Robbie Bosco & Ty Detmer; also present during halftime: Virgil Carter, Jim McMahon-even carried out flag ahead of team:) & Gifford Nielson + Sark though he wisely chose to stay in the locker room) Appreciate the fact that boys humored me to pose in the scorching heat!Of course, we had to have proof we were in Provo by the traditional Cougar statue as well:
Luke loves him some Jake! This was taken day after he asked us to push rewind on interviews again & again then pointed out every newspaper picture:)
This was first time since signing that Jake was able to be approached by media!
And of course, the boys have to take full advantage of the pool despite being indoors with our last glimpse of sun apparently now that we're back in the NoWest!?!
Thanks Aunt Cait n Grandpa Gar for making it so all 3 weren't hanging on me the entire time!Didn't get pictures to capture fun with my cousins & their kids in Heber on Sunday, but was great to spend time with family! Now we gotta think of something else to which we can look forward--guess there's always next Saturday when we can cheer for both cats n' dawgs!!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
8:46 PM