Sunday, July 25, 2010

Finding Joy in Bremerton

Have passed Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton a few times en route to visit friends in Silverdale, but haven't stopped there since USS Missouri was docked and therefore my boys were nonexistent. So-oo this past Sat, I decided Parkers needed to start playdate with Palmers on the USS Turner Joy.
Seemed mini compared to the aircraft carriers we passed in the harbor, but still fun to check off my list of things to do in this great state...
First attraction onboard was this mounted gun platform--

All the boys in Captain's Quarters, then Dane orders full speed ahead!

Luke deciding if the bunks in the berthing chamber (sounded funny by the tour guide to envision in the Navy:) are more comfy than the carseat he ended up using for nap that afternoon--Meanwhile Cole takes a closer look from Captain's vantage point!

Observing the sick room and the Captain's office/bunk--Sorry the official nautical/military terms have sailed from my brain!

The Olympic Mtns n' other peninsula outings are calling me as I feel like I've barely scratched the surface o' WA?! Of course, the boys thought it was pretty cool but literally wanted to be that way themselves n' couldn't wait to get to Palmers' pool on such a sunny day! Water guns with buddies not pictured but made for happy sons for the refreshing rest of the afternoon. They were overjoyed when relaxation cont with a movie to end the night and rare opportunity for mom to even watch with 'em!

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