After Easter egg hunt, it was Luke's idea to grab the older boys' hands on either side of him...How cool is that?
I don't feel self-righteous posting this 'cuz only managed to get boys to watch one talk from General Conference on Sat c/o Pres. Monson...But I love how intently they are listening to prophet esp as Luke mimics serious pose from his bros. They have taught him some other things that make me cringe or him screech like a Velociraptor, but they all @ least look like they're paying attention here eh? Funny to see him observe for first time how to sit like that & now he copies it all the time.
He will even join 'em when meeting with their baseball teams after practice just to be like the big boys:)
His other deal lately that isn't necess like Cole n Dane (although nice to still have my choice of 3 men to cuddle with these days) is his affinity toward blankies. Might be just toward all comfort obj in general as he adjusts to childcare, but unique feature of his Linus stage is the fact that it's quantity over quality:) He seriously had 5 this am & wanted me to carry him & them out of his crib, immediately downstairs & even wanted to be swaddled in his high chair for breakfast...definitely must-have while watching cartoons with bros too!If they get a balloon, so does he complete with accompanying static accentuated by his longer hair 'cuz I just can't part with curls--
Definitely tries to keep up with 'em on the playground--
Still waiting to record his performance of Nursery songs since doesn't always want to do it when I have camera ready, but here he is showing his latest body part label--
Can't say the youngest in this fam isn't pictured as much as oldest:) More of his latest tricks later when he's in the mood...
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
1 comment:
He looks so grown up! Can't wait till he and Paigey can run around together! She loves him and points him out in all your pictures!! So this post was very exciting for her :)
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