Tried to be on TIME with Christmas pic, but I'll give ya 3 guesses who didn't want to cooperate this TIME?! Boys decided December is a good TIME to wear matching sleepers:), which fit well with my OCD about their coordinating clothes:Also TIME to focus on being on the nice list & all things Christmasy; here they are with their own sleigh & team o' reindeer:) This white stuff didn't last for long, but took full advantage of TIME before 2 hr school delay: Then t'was TIME to re-enact on JibJab-->Always TIME for one of these with cousins during winter vacation...never mind the liquid version in the Great NoWest for the rest of the month?!
Had lots more fun TIMES in week leading up to Christmas...We'd only just begun & cousins wondered when it was TIME to take off Sunday best & stop taking pics already!?! They do love to spend TIME with fav people in world=Grandpa Gar & Grandma Neecy, who in turn, seldom miss chance to make TIME for them! Traditionally TIME for BYU victory during their traditional appearance in the Las Vegas Bowl! And then when we're done, we'll take TIME to snuggle=adapted from one of boys' fav lines in classic movie Elf!Despite our share of good TIMES in '09, don't really want to focuson not-so-good moments:( So moved right along with much to do in just one night to welcome new year! Bring on 2010!! We had to bid farewell to Uffens mid-day, but meeting 'em for lunch @ Cheesecake Factory eased our pain:) Wished we could've greeted new nephew/cousin before the clock struck twelve, but not part o' plan-ugh! Back @ my parents' we watched UW bball victory & checked out G-Force (for boys' 5th time this week). That was all Luke got to do before bedTIME- Since the older boys were wide awake & ready to party, we stuck with TIMELY tradition of fondue (despite saving cheese course for NY Day)- Perfect TIMING for a dance party to humor Dane:) Does your 5 yo have moves like this?? Hopefully video to come from Aunt Brooke... In meanTIME, pic here is popper prepping: Then we kept the wild party goin' banging pots/pans outside in the rain:) Midnight Revelers that we are-
Hi Beck! Sorry we've lost touch. It's my busy with working & lifes challenges. Been thinking about you alot and want to chat this week. Looks like you were surrounded by lots of loved ones on Christmas! Take care.
Sad to say we've only been to one M's game this season, but Cole showed how cultured he was when he asked if the LA Dodgers were French?! :)
When I was @ the gas station, another car actually backed into me! When I got into my own car & told the boys, Cole asked if I was dead?! :)
My birthday is 4 days after my niece's, so was discussing both with the boys when I sent her a b-day card in the mail. Cole said he didn't realize that Annie was older than me:) Never mind that she's actually 30 yrs. younger?!
Earlier today while enduring another downpour @ the cabin:(, Dane asked Grandma Neecy if she could text Heavenly Father to make it stop raining?! Needless to say, sun came out as we were driving away!
As we were leaving Grandpa Gar's house last night on his happy birthday, Dane got upset. While this was no surprise-ugh! his reason was = "I don't have my duddy bad yet?!" Don't all 55 y.o. give out goody bags @ their parties too? Gotta love him! Little did he know, it was in the form of a nice dinner @ The Keg & all of the treasures they jack from his box @ dental office:) The list of things they've rec'd from Grandpa's duddy bad goes on & on...
Dane has a bit of an angry youth streak that manifests itself quite frequently these days. He got mad when I said he couldn't have a sip of his drink from a restaurant after 9p ('cuz any parent knows that would make him wee wee wee all the way home!) and called me a dummy! when Cole jumped to my defense & told his brother that was rude, Dane's only correction was to say he "meant a dummy you can punch" as if that made it any better?!
While mom's away (@ TOFW), the boys will play...with their dad! They started making plans the night before 'cuz dad treats 'em real nice-On past occasions, it's not uncommon for him to take 'em out to breakfast, lunch & a movie:) We all know who the fun parent & their best buddy in the whole world is & if there was any doubt, he makes 'em repeat it pretty much daily:) Anyway, the point of this story was while Cole was listing off the unlimited XBox hours they would log, baseball-weather permitting, movies upon movies, happy meals=basically "we can do whatever we want", Dane was deep in thought-Then his contribution to the agenda was "We can make toast?!" As if that is taboo for mom & he doesn't have daily with pb & that's such a wild & crazy idea?! Made us laugh once again!
Bedtime is not the happiest in the Parker household; not only does it take forever but the boys don't seem to think it's fair no matter the hour but esp when we're trying to be responsible parents on a school night:) Cole declared that it won't really matter what time he goes to sleep when he drops out after kindergarten:( He was dead serious even though "You've got 12 more years of this buddy!" is a repeated answer from mom-ugh! Isn't he a lil' early for those feelings toward school?
Cole is very cognisant of his age: Today he told me he was too old for a BABYsitter & that they hereafter should be called KIDsitters 'cuz what do babysitters do? Sit on babies? Glad he's looking out for his littlest bro:)
I told Cole if he wasn't careful Dane would overtake his funny quote section:) I love listening to them when they aren't being wild & crazy in the car. They carry on their own conversation in the back while I'm driving & today it was about new Primary girls that they were going to visit with me. Dane said that he was still aklergic to girls & Cole questioned why 'cuz they're nice except they agreed that the ones @ preschool weren't always that way. Dane asked if they still thought boys were "tupid" there & Cole said some did. They both thought that wasn't good & Dane asked Cole if he told them it wasn't...apwopwiate:) How did he come up with that word? Apparently this topic is very important to them 'cuz yesterday they had a similar discussion & Cole told Dane "You know, you'll have to marry one someday...a girl! I'm in love with one now, but I probably won't marry her though" & Dane said "I'll just watch you!"
I think he was trying to compliment my cooking, but came out like this instead: "Mom, this dinner is so good it makes me not even want to throw it up!" Uh, thanks Cole?! He approached me right after dinner & said he wanted something warm to eat like chicken or steak?! He settled for a warm drink=hot chocolate:)
Cole asked me why Dad's favorite drink was called Dr. Pepper. He paused & reflected for a minute, then decided that it was a bit spicy & twinkled his tongue...which, he added, is why he doesn't like pepper on his food...but apparently he doesn't mind the liquid version?! don't worry, it's not a regular part of his diet @ 5 y.o. Just liked his analysis of its name-
I was watching some extra boys tonight & they ran down the stairs screaming with flashlights. Besides being overstimulated myself & wanting to restore order, I reminded them that we don't shine the light right into people's eyes. Cole added "Yeah 'cuz then they'll turn blond!":)
On the way to school we passed a construction site. Cole declared that he didn't want to be "home worker" 'cuz it was hard work! He then stated that he was going to be a ninja 'cuz he thought that would be an easier job yet would still help people:) When I asked him where he was going to get his uniform, he simply said "on E-bay" where else mom?!
hoping you saw the video and the pics on my facebook :) love you and miss you all! give the boys a big hug/kiss for me. see you soon in disneyland!
Hi Beck! Sorry we've lost touch. It's my busy with working & lifes challenges. Been thinking about you alot and want to chat this week. Looks like you were surrounded by lots of loved ones on Christmas! Take care.
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