So I can't take the credit for inspiration behind this post-My friend Kjrsten & her girls actually beat us to it & scored much higher on presentation! Shouldn't be surprised after all previous lil' entrepreneurial enterprises my boys have witnessed in our neighborhood year-round...we're talking everything from homemade bubbles to massages have been solicited door-to-door by kids who live nearby as well as toy trades-on more than one occas, my boys have come running home to ask if they could have some change to pay for toys that were peddled down the st. You prob don't even care re: whole story below, but just wanted to prove it was quite the process:
Perhaps motivated by the past week o' warm weather & hangin' out in Grandma Neecy's garage, Cole got the bright idea last Sat. around 5P that we should "make money for this house & me" by selling her Gatorades/cans of pop:) I told him we not only needed to ask Grandma's permission to sell her liquid but also be a little more prepared with better timing-I held him off until Weds, which was forecasted to be over 100 deg! Got a countdown goin' like every other momentous day in his life-Discussed price point in meantime & fact that good business would incl reimb mom for supplies not to mention tithing before made a profit! He woke up bright & early on Tues. am to make signs.We cheated a bit by conserving Simply Lemonade already in our fridge. Decided to throw in complimentary cookies and water option. He wanted all "employees" to leave with $10 (enough to buy Dinobot he had admired) & spread the word to his Primary class on Sun. I told him he would earn less money with more people involved but he made sure his brother, 2 buddies and his 2 y.o. cousin had job descrip. in meantime. Gotta give my son credit for being thorough:)
Needless to say, we escaped to kind friend's pool on Weds to beat the heat (thanks Wendi!!) & I conveniently waited until we could spontaneously set up during Luke's afternoon nap on Thurs so smaller staff to supervise!
As it were, Dane got bored after about 2 min. & was my runner to check on his baby bro 'cuz I hadn't brought a monitor out to end of our st where Cole was flagging drivers down with his sign.
Yes, I proudly waved a sign to support my 7 y.o. too:) Figured that would be more productive than our circle but turned out he only had a neighbor (nice college guy) stop & one car with guy who said he'd want someone to do same for his son:) Now I'm gonna feel compelled to stop @ every one I see on the road 'cuz he got so excited! I told him it was good practice for his mission when he was ready to give up & was tired of standing in the sun with no one interested in what he had to offer:( He said he wanted diff job but I reminded him that wasn't possible until he had customers...So next bright idea was to bring the lemonade to the people (maybe he will be politician someday too?!) Perhaps our sales would increase if we drove our refreshments to a park? Don't worry, we didn't abandon Huey:) After he awoke, cruised by baseball complex & concessions were already open. So as not to get in trouble by competing, headed over to Bradley Lk. All about supply & demand 'cuz right away a nice guy playing catch with his son obliged followed by a Marine Corps group who bought him out after their flag football game! With some coaxing, Cole seriously asked how many cups they wanted & the staff sgt. asked how many he had left?! Whoa! Then he gave him $5 tip to boot:) (pun intended) Not gonna lie, think Dane might've gotten heat stroke in the process so he was content to sit under tree with water bottle himself-ugh! Camera wasn't invited with our traveling sales 'cuz it was all I could do to carry cooler, bag, baby & prompt Cole with my head on a swivel as Dane hunted for shade.
Oh no! We weren't done there-With $16 in hand (& I threw in $8 that they had technically earned earlier in the spring but hadn't redeemed), we set out to spend the earnings right away (for the record, can't really teach savings to my boys when I haven't mastered principle myself-ugh!) Nothing caught their eye in toy aisle of Wal-Mart (we don't go there to browse, but I had exchanged something & grabbed a few groceries:) so on to little brother Walgreens...Alas! The Dinobot spotted earlier cost $4 more than mom quoted-oops! So over to Borders where I had some credit & in remembrance of those toys we hud back in spring (see Dzien Dzieci post if you're interested:)) If not, enough to know they had finally been discovered, reshelved & purchased by another lucky boy(s) much to my boys' dismay! So they said themselves they didn't want to go to another store & settled on sharing a Star Wars lego set, which we promptly put together that night after dinner-Talk about instant gratification! Not bad for their sales debut either!!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thirsty in Puyallup
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
12:57 AM
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Divide & Conquer
While Grandpa took Cole & Dane to do this...
I took Luke & got to go with some o' these Shaw girls* to see this...Quite surprised 'cuz different ending than the book we all read; however, always quality bonding whenever we can be together.
*Missed Cait who was providing support @ M's game (originator & co-artist of the poster as well:)) & wished Mom could join us, but she kindly volunteered to watch Rachel's poor baby (who hadn't quite recovered from being awakened @ 4A for their flight) & wait to see it with her boyfriend instead?!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
12:17 AM
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Mixed Signals
With his tricks rapidly advancing & multiplying daily, Luke is getting his signals crossed...He has been known in the past week to crawl over to me, then use sign for "more" (not goin' crazy with ASL for Babies, but want him to adopt a few manners-"please" & "thank you" will be next-vs. resorting to typical shriek or growl-ugh!)
while waving & making kissing noises @ the same time-Couldn't get a pic of the combo but really quite comical overload if you can catch it live! Also wanted to mention these curls that I'm loving as they are uniquely his; Dane's hair has Chris' texture, but Huey is only one with wave goin' on!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
12:37 AM
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Blond Hotties with July Birthdays
My sister Brooke (7/18); Cait decorated cabin & her car while Britt made funfetti cupcakes, so got to celebrate twice with Boop: @ Lk. Merwin on actual day & later that week @ dinner...nice excuse to dine @ Fondi Pizzeria!Our niece Erin (7/22); Have yet to party with Erin and gift won't make it to her until Sat, but proud to say for once post is right on time--whoo hoo!
Love these girls! They are beyootiful inside & out!! Hope they had very happy summer b-days! It always seems like a bummer when younger like Cole (who gives me countdown daily) 'cuz you don't get the fanfare @ school, but I think must be quite nice now that they're older...
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
11:59 PM
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Third Eye Blind
Chris is the music guru in our family, so couldn't tell ya what that group sings; however, thought appropriate title for this post that I'm so bravely dedicating to fellow zit-pickers everywhere...beware! This is the frightening scene that greeted me in the mirror this am:You see I had a horn growing on my forehead last weekend & I couldn't leave it alone, so spent some time getting acquainted with it. Of course, it wasn't ready to be picked but I was ready to go for it & must've been disappointed by blood vs good stuff comin' outta it. So I let it go for another day or so & pursued it further. Used some cover-up & went about my business...Even bonded with 2 friends yesterday-never mind the erupting volcano that was spreading across my forehead?! In fact, I have since learned that it's a very sensitive (read: infection-prone) spot based on being predominantly bone then skin on your head...pretty sure I've lost some serious brain cells?! Now I can practically see behind me with this gaping hole. I've tried to hide out in my house today besides a bit of grocery shopping & of course, i ran into a good friend @ the store. I guess some neighbors saw me from afar too. Ironic that now I'm posting for the world to see:) In meantime, family's reactions have been interesting...Cole didn't even notice or pretended not to @ least this am when he crawled into bed with me-I started laughing that he would think I looked normal?! Dane said I needed a bandaid & figured no one would see me this way:
Luke kept wanting to touch my forehead & staring @ me in his sweet baby way...
Chris said he couldn't even look @ me?! He said I would prob need something more serious than his fix-all Neosporin:) He joked that it had its own pulse, solar system & climate then wondered if our 4th child would come outta there, so I named it Reese as it might be the only one I ever have?!
I once bought the boys a book called Parker Picks re: noses, only then he switches to scabs...gotta say it's not so funny anymore when it's happened to me although i've had to keep it light & laugh about it or else i'd for sure cry & it's my own fault!! They say hindsight is 20/20 or in my case, 20/20/20-ugh!! Needless to say, won't be enhancing any blemishes anytime soon:( For all of you who have "told me so" in the past, you can bet I learned my lesson! Although my eyes are still a bit puffy, possibly also attributed to my night-owl ways, thank goodness my overall face condition is improving rapidly so I can focus on other Things...
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
1:52 PM
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Summer Freedom
Not only on Independence Day, but we've taken advantage of some great deals around town to entertain the boys...
BOWLING (you can register too under, but like Coldstone Creamery's b-day coupon where you have to have "home" bowling alley, so don't know how flexible with other locations & still cost $2 for shoe rental:), but hey!) One of the first things Dane mentioned is how well he could do the moonwalk in bowling shoes:) He managed to get a spare the second time, but scared me every time & called him "Rolling Thunder" 'cuz I thought he was going to make a hole in the lane when he dropped the ball in each lane?! Cole chose to use the bumpers to his advantage as well...whatever works?!
7-11 SLURPEES 'cuz o' the date...Never mind the sampler size just 'cuz we could say we didn't pay anything for it & justify going out to lunch (finally tried RedMill burgers-yum!) & getting sno cone afterward with all money we saved:)Haven't taken advantage of 'em all yet, but a lot o' MUSEUMS have free day/night during first week o' month. In case of Tacoma Children's Museum, it's every Thurs. during Farmer's Market (we know from last July). Missed EMP sadly on first Thurs. of this month (5-8P fwiw) 'cuz still want to see Muppet Exhibit (more for me than boys 'cuz don't think they have a clue with all Disney cartoons & other options on TV/movies:)) but might have to use coupon for that one 'cuz Aug.'s free night is on our anniv. (8/6) & don't think I'll be headed there then...(yeah, i'm thinking Chris better have other plans for us?! hmmm...)
Not pictured, but worthwhile=MOVIES on tues/weds @ 10A; we've seen Space Chimps, which was a pleasant surprise, Veggie Tales: Pirates who don't do anything & InkHeart--nothing to lose when you don't pay for ticket & sneak in candy from $1 store:) (you can see what's playing near you @; click on side link for Celebrate with Us! Then you'll see side link for Free Family Film Festival)
As you know, we're all about food & if ya missed it in earlier post, Pizza Hut (@ least ours on SoHill) offers free PERSONAL PAN PIZZA on Mon. nights (for 9 & under, 5-8P?!) Plus we just need to go back to library a few more times to get our SUBWAY coupon:)
Of course, there's plenty i want to do with the boys that cost $$ too i.e. RidetheDuck up in Seattle is $25 for adults/$16 for kids 12 & under-no thanks! I even called Teatro Zinzanni for funsies & those tickets are almost $150?! Whoa! Sometimes I wonder though when we take 'em for fun outing like today's adventure on Green Lake paddleboats (orig wanted to do Lake WA, but UW has min req of 25 lbs & walking, which would've excl Mr. Huey) & all they can do is murmur?! Kinda defeats the purpose, but they actually managed a smile in the end & will thank us someday...
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
11:42 PM
Sunday, July 5, 2009
And I'm Proud to be an American...
Couldn't miss Merwin in this great weather, so went down on Fri. just for the day...which basically meant Pre-Func @ Lk Merwin then held official 4th festivities @ Fort Moore this year. That way we could still play with Shaws but return north to bond with Chris' side o' fam for actual holiday. We'd had so much fun playing @ cabin & going to Ft. Vancouver in past that I'd forgotten we'd spent 5 consecutive yrs with my side-oops! After Chris & my am exercise on 7/4 with bball & road run respectively, we cont tradition of going out to breakfast (ironically started due to lack of cooperation from weather in past years so might as well while waiting for the sun to come out en route:) Anyway, ended up @ Black Diamond Bakery 'cuz kinda on way to Covington. (Once again I owe credit to friend for referral on her blog). Not sure if most amazing meal ever, but Huey seemed to like a taste of everyone's & managed to down a whole bowl of oatmeal (never thought we'd be paying for his own meal @ 9 mos!!) himself not to mention the peaches & muffins they brought out as appetizer for boys-gotta love a restaurant like that! Also had gorgeous view of Mt. Rainier & quaint setting since opened in 1902?!
Found out we could still party @ Moores even though not quite same as their Olympia yard...Luke got to meet Chris' cousin's son who shares the same name but 6 yrs older & lives in AZ:)
Played hard
& ate well...dessert spread looked like Thanksgiving instead?!
Bring on the fireworks! I'm grateful Chris doesn't totally splurge on explosives, but we had plenty between his & Rich's inventory...
Speaking of other holidays, Dane looked like Santa covered from head to foot in ashes & soot by the time the night was o'er; never knew he was such a pyro?! Cole was a little more reserved but definitely enjoyed the festivities more once it cooled down=true WA boy!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
2:13 PM