Wednesday, March 4, 2009

They say it's your birthday (dahnuhnuhdahnuhnuh)...Well Happy Birthday to You!

We love you Rachie Dach & hope you had a fabulous 29th literally:) today=3/4!! Hope you enjoyed tasty food, good little girls & Phantom of Opera (which also means you got to bond with your husband:)) after all?! Wish we could've celebrated with you in person, but lookin' forward to another summer o' bonding in the Great NoWest!
Also my dear mother will celebrate her b-day on 3/14 with us @ Time Out for Women-She has asked us in advance to give her something intangible, but just a card seems trite so I will have to put on my creative thinking cap & come up with something great hopefully with boys' help 'cuz she's such an amazing grandmother as well...She will most likely end up offering to hold Luke for large portion of the day & won't care how many speakers she misses:) She & Britt also made a picnic lunch for us in the car complete with candles in half-baked bars (cookie/brownie combo similar to B&J's ice cream version that I highly recomm even from mix)

Then we will meet the guys for Mexican dinner-So once again she ended up giving more than receiving on her very own birthday! That's the kind of woman who gave birth to me & to whom I'll be forever indebted even if she let me buy all the b-day gifts in the world!
Last but not least, our twin nieces in AZ=Rylee & Baylee turned big #8 & were also baptized:) This pic is a bit outdated considering it's from '06 visit, but you can still see how cute they are...


Washington Hills said...

You've got such a great family, Beck.

Happy Birthday everybody!

Uffens Family said...

Thanks Beck! I love you! See you in a few weeks! YAY!