We are excited to announce that our niece Lindsey has a full ride scholarship to play basketball for a D-I school despite the fact that it won't be @ our beloved UW:( We are proud of her talent & it has been fun to see the recruiting process from afar although she committed sooner than we anticipated after Nebraska wined & dined her early in the fall along with entire PAC-10 minus Stanford & a handful of other schools. She had several binders full of letters from interested coaches & really could've taken her pick...Just recently she was featured with cover story in ESPN Rise magazine not to mention always being the last player out of locker room following numerous interviews! We are also teaching our boys that their mascot is the CornHUSKER & not CornSucker as they erringly learned somehow:)
As you can see, we got to be there for her short n' sweet signing day @ Kentwood High School (check 'em out during playoffs, which will be much more exciting than the regular season as they are ranked #2 in state & nation!! Go Conks!)
Signed Sealed & Delivered:)
My bro & sis-in-law went all out with the Nebraska-themed refreshments...Yes, those are N-shaped ice cubes that my bro in law spent all week preparing for the event from a tiny tray:)
How cool are those personalized M&Ms?
Here are her some of her supportive teammates; that's half their charm this year 'cuz they play so well together and share the glory! We're just not used to seeing 'em outta uniform-Here are her cool coaches, Keith & Wendy Hennig:
I added this pic of our boys together
& another from sr. night as well! Notice I found green spider mums for her, which were perfect 'cuz of the color & her nickname due to aggressive defense:)
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
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