So we went in search of sun...still looking but apparently spotted the moon:/ Love how he's just chillin' while I find a dry swimmer before naptime:)
Nevertheless we were happy to be along for the ride with my beloved parents, rest o' Shaw girls & significant others incl my 3 lil' men--Missed Mike, Rachel & girls dearly but looking forward to being reunited in Great NoWest since there's no place like home esp when we can be all together next month for this blessed event also Bergesons' anniversary:
Uffens were MIA due to upcoming move to Gulf o' Mexico, so guess we will just have to visit 'em there next...but I digress! Now will try to just let the pics do the talking...ok I might add caption or 2 even if no one reads 'em:) i.e. Luke is just happy to be off the airplane!
Aunt Cait helped him warm up to the pool starting with HGVC slide...
Add Baby Bun who traveled cross country without batting an eye to bond with us--
Next big bros should join in the fun...
The pool was definitely a fam fav this time around...
Now we're ready for the King's Land slides...
The little boys loved the fountains/spray did the big boys!Dane was excited to golf behind the clubhouse, with Grandpa & uncles x 2 on the Kings' & Beach Courses as well as the putting green behind the condo!
You'll never guess which son would rather whack a coconut on the golf course...There's Cole comin' over the horizon:)
Rest o' time my eldest was in water while dumb mom overlooked power of its reflection...we remembered fast after aloe ending to first day!
So we took break from rays to visit turtles/dolphins @ Waikoloa Village; Cole got up close & personal by feeding 'em plumeria:)
Huey preferred being carried most of the time or rode in style between Bay Club & Grandpa/ma's Colony Villa!
Never mind the wind...we braved the torrential rains @ times even on the beach as true Washingtonians to build a sea turtle outta sand--Nor would a trip to HI be complete without jumping in alongside Grandpa/ma:)
Our only Big Island adventure was up to the black sand beach-Paholu Point.
Luke decided to get sick en route, so I got to carry him all the way down while he slept or spewed and all the way back up! Felt badly for him although grateful it was just one-day deal, but didn't mind lil' extra workout considering didn't exercise much rest o' week...Jake was concerned about his lil' buddy & others took water break to enjoy the view/photo op!
Beck's Devils?! Poor Huey!
Had to take advantage of pic with Shaw Wahines minus Rach; never mind Luke's dazed & confused look with bros/cousin as well-
So proud of Cait for hiking with us!! Cole met a little gecko friend in his cabana...So I had to catch it as proof that I'm mother o' boys eh?
In lieu of a luau indoors once again due to inclement weather, Grandpa Gar chose last supper @ Tommy Bahama's
=fine dining for Parker boys:) Chicken lollypop anyone? That slider was prepared for the rainfall:? Meanwhile Dane was trying to set record re: # restaurants from which he could order mac n' cheese & mom actually let him...that & 10 hrs of NintendoDS/movies on plane were dreams come true in & of themselves:)
So entertainment that night ended up being breakdance/hip hop battle outside the Mauna Lani shops instead of native hula variety but boys were just as attentive if not more so:) In fact, rest o' night they had a little more pep in their step as we bought last souvenirs..."Shake it boooooys!" (Luke kept saying that as well as chanting "Go Dane! Go Dane!" in encouragement of his brother known for his moves:)Attempted to catch final sunset as well n' had photo shoot around Waikoloa Village afterwards...
Cole was such a fish that he wanted to go after late-night BBQ too...My full tummy joined him on mother-son date:)Mahalo once again Grandpa Gar & Grandma Neecy!!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Take Me Awaaaay...A Sweet Escape
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
11:34 PM
Easter in an Eggshell
You've heard it explained as the "nutshell version", so thought I'd just adapt to fit our holiday...For whatever reason, Sat felt like Christmas Eve with this momma having no energy n' lots to do so we did--Too bad not much pictured, but here's how it 'hop'pened:)
Starting with Hop movie @ 9:55AM=earliest I've ever been in theater though I knew we wanted to catch matinee for sake of cheap tix. So didn't have a lot o' opt based on busy afternoon, but ended up being smart choice @ Lkwd Town Center thanks to their brand new recliners & $5 price before noon:)
Cruised down to Olympia 'cuz closest Macy's that had Dane's size 8?! (no worries if Cole sported size 12 just fine--where did my lil' boys go?) dress shirt. I was determined to find yellow & loved the $7 deal, but prob shouldn't have waited to buy 'til Fri regardless o' payday since JCPenney's only had online so panicked a bit that evening. Boys not thrilled to be along for the ride, but appreciated their Easter buckets from generous Aunt Amy en route:)
Back quick like bunnies to set up for the book fair @ elementary...not before boys had HAMburgers @ off good ole' $1 menu @ McD's. Not my most pleasant afternon since they complained whole time & Luke was hysterical-ok naptime & fever weren't ideal combo for service opportunity-but ended up with $20 in gift certif that we wouldn't have otherwise had to spend there!
Down the hill to Dane's coach-pitch practice & first opportunity for other boys to enjoy the amazing weather (yep that was only glimpse o sunshine we got! now who's complaining?!:) o' sunshine...Once Chris graced us with his presence, I left boys @ park & cruised back up the other side of the hill to grab some more meaningful basket-stuffers @ Church bookstore to add to stockpile of candy-don't worry I, I mean Easter bunny, had been adding to collection since March:) Let's not forget a son-free trip to grocery store for dessert assignment & last-minute sports egg decor kit!!
Over to Grandma Neecy's & Grandpa Gar's to dye eggs & make spring sugar cookies with Aunt Brooke & Uncle Jake home from college as well as beloved Aunt Cait! Tooth Fairy tried but failed to trump Easter Bunny with Dane's first lost tooth...Reason not that clear besides lighting & lousy photog is the fact that his permanent teeth had already fully erupted behind the baby teeth so hopefully one beside it will follow shortly!
They were up @ 6:45am for egg hunt but mean momma waited 'til dressed & ready for Church oh 3 hrs later to do the deed. Mixed it up with some candy-filled, dyed variety (fwiw our dino eggs won't be featured on Best Bites blog anytime soon) & symbolic numbered eggs--latter brings it all back into perspective but unfortunately left 'til 8:30PM to re-cap...hmmm...guess nice way to end the day!Cole had to go outdoors to locate his basket!
Easter Bunny's hiding spot for Dane's basket not that tricky, but pretty sure he only found eggs in window seat--
Luke decided to hunt in Heaps' Easter basket for Jake's football bunny instead o' eggs:)
As good as it gets to capture these handsome boys in Easter attire, but definitely will attract some chicks in a few springs!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
11:05 PM