Pretty uneventful day, but celebrated in best way I know possible in the end: Shamrock Shakes (ironically hot commodity nearby as I have mentioned in years past)& cookies-Never mind the boys' completely uncoordinated pj shirts...You can bet they were dressed in green until their baths thanks to wonder dad who also fed 'em n' finished homework before I made it back from airport not jealous @ all that my well-deserving parents are headed to the sun (well @ least warmer than NoWest) & detour to run stairs (my new venture to shape this old bod before HI in 6 wks:)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Luck of the Irish @ Last
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
11:29 PM
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Cultural Refinement
Cole's cultural poster was selected to represent his class @ the Spring Fair! Cole felt pretty cool that he got to, until he realized he had to, stand in front of it for a whole hour so he was avail to answer questions passerbys might have for him...Then it was boring instead of an honor:) He full on asked Grandma Neecy & Grandpa Gar to "support him" by showing up to take a look themselves.
They kindly obliged, but he was really ready to move on to games, rides & a treat outside the Showplex. This was smaller dose than the fall version for our fam, but each boy got to go on one ride after discovering small & medium sons made the heighth cut-off:
Aunt Cait was a part of the action too, but then boys chose to cash out their game for a sword. Figured if they had wanted 'em since Sept & declined an elephant ear, must be pretty important to them...Of course, all 3 had to get same one in diff color! Watched dock dogs and pig race before heading back up for quick nap so youngest wasn't an animal @ b-day party later...another full spring Saturday-gotta love all that Puyallup has to offer! Esp the fact that it didn't rain on us!!
Speaking of which, we also spent an hour with his cub scout pack @ Parks Appreciation Day-My boys worked hard, but prob reached their max anyway before designated start time on poster patrol @ the Fair:) Thankfully an older sister took Luke to the playground 'cuz he didn't understand why we were so close, yet so far away:)
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
4:45 PM
March Madness in Puyallup
On to golf lessons and coach-pitch respectively in the spring, but not before we cheer on the Dawgs (after their amazing PAC-10 Champ game where we showed the refs we didn't need 'em on our team:) Too bad they start off in UGA/UNC's backyard?! We will also be hoping the right Cougars are victorious-After all, where in the heck is Wofford?!! Plus we get to root root root for the home team next's always fun despite braving the elements to go to Safeco in the first month of season when you're sayin' we have a chance:)
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
3:09 PM
Friday, March 4, 2011
Lockout Schmockout
Who says football season is over? Uncle Jake starts again in 10 days, Dawgs aren't too far behind & NFL draft is just around the corner, so we've only just begun in the Parker household...Huey is always up for a game of "cackle" complete with sidelines, huskies vs cougars & lots o' TDs-never mind that he hikes ball to himself & runs all the way to the end of hall, I mean, endzone...QB sneak? This is the tantrum he has if he can't wear his bros' football pants/jersey OR new bball shorts all day every day?!
Notice although not the best pic, he won't get any curls caught in his hehmets anymore either!
Posted by
Rebecca Parker
9:21 AM