J/K! Can't end summer posts without ode to the waterfall that caps the creek near our cabin:) Quarterback weekend will be next--Speaking of which, Brooke took Jake and Boett up when we weren't there in July, so I had promised Cole that we'd go again! His wish came true when more cousins came into town since Zac was ready for action as well...Dane wanted to join us in addition to being Tiffin's first attempt. Grandpa Gar is always willing to lead the way so Meg and I put our youngest down for naps then grabbed Wes to make the group complete since Mike was resting up for his marathon this past Sat-WTG Dr Uffens! We do appreciate Mom, Rach & Boop holding down the fort in our absence although wasn't the same without them!
It's kinda like a "Choose Your Own Adventure" as far as the route is concerned, so I really noticed some beautiful spots along the way. Of course, I'm not just one to take pics o' scenery so had to add Parker boys:)I have gone up @ least two dozen?! times @ my ripe ole' age, but never subjected myself to refreshing dip in the pool @ our final destination knowing full well how chilly it is en route let alone the lake itself. Wanted to have another picture with my daddy @ the top though as I've never done this hike without him:) Exciting to follow in his footsteps though by helping my own sons!
But I'm always up to try the natural rock slides on way back down-For some reason, I don't mind if I freeze my rear off since I can afford to lose some lbs on my lower half:) Please disregard that not to mention how chubby my cheeks look in like every single pic-ugh! Obvious that I haven't paid attention to what I've been eating lately; I will blame it on mom for always feeding us so well during week @ Merwin:/ But anyway, I convinced a few to join me.
As I mentioned the landscape always seems to change a bit from year to year, so our main mini waterfall that we used to brave is actually gone. Here Grandpa/Uncle Gar is initiating the boys with a replacement:) He's pointing out Dane underneath before it's Cole's turn!
Meagan and I have kids close in age except youngest who are a year apart. Difference for older 2: Zac & Cole=3 mos./Dane & Tiffin=1 wk! Glad the Websters could come up again; always makes for a memorable time in August!
So great to Ali back as well for first time in what? 5 yrs?! Not pictured: Getting back up on a ski (after 3 yr hiatus for me @ least!) & a Fab Nurtz tourney around midnight on one o' few nights that I didn't crash when the kids were sent to bed:) The rest of you out-o'-st cousins who couldn't make it are in big trouble and better mark it on your 2011 calendars now...we seriously missed you! Sad to say, it's gonna get harder even for all 5 sisters to be together in one summer week, but oh so worth it!! Not possible without mom & dad's hospitality, for which we are ever so grateful!
ps Cousins Paige n' Anna are lil' fish now too, but will prob be a few more summers before able to make the hike! So Cole entertained 'em in the yard with some rousing rounds literally of Ring Around the Rosy-that song will never be same for me after someone alluded to true meaning when we resorted to it during nursery, but they were cute together @ the cabin:)
WOW...I really just threw up in my mouth a little...
15 years ago
looks so fun, becky!! and so beautiful!! you and the landscape.;)
Wow, that looks BEAUTIFUL!!! What a fun hike. Makes me want to go on one, big time. Late response: Braden doesn't make that dish...starts with a p. Must not be a Russian Dish....he makes plove and pilmini...he would make fun of me with the spelling...but that's how they sound phonetically. ;) Cute boys. They are lucky to have you as a mom, I'd say.
love the pictures of the cabin!! miss you guys alot!
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