Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5/5 Fiesta!

So we may not be heavy drinkers, but we managed to have our own fiesta for Cinco de Mayo in our fam room...Costco helped us out with a smoothie & churros after our pulled-pork quesadillas in the car since we had to get some Mothers' Day errands done too:) The sombrero from last year's world fair (@ Zeiger Elementary) provided the finishing touch for our pinata courtesy of Cole's class-who knew first graders were into this holiday?!

Now if we could only get some weather like so of the border & for it to stay >24 hrs, it would really feel like late spring!


Uffens Family said...

Love it!! The hat adds a nice touch...Cole is such a that he keeps making sure the camera is on him :) love it!! and your festiveness...we had tacos but on accident :)

The Bergesons said...

cute! way to celebrate cinco de mayo-haha. I was glad I remembered because taco salad was way more appropriate than chinese chx salad:) cute video--i love your silly boys!